Chapter 29

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She had done little else since receiving the mirror but look in to it. She watched day and night has people came and went from her room fewer and fewer. She hadn't eaten, she hardly slept, she just watched. She watched as they grew closer as a group and she was beginning to slowly be pushed out. Anna had been addressing the people of Arendelle from the balcony, as if she were Queen. The Guardians came and went; only Jack remained, but he sat by her bedside less and less. "They've given up on me." She said, her face streaked with tears. She was beginning to realize that she maybe stuck inside this world forever, and it angered her.

She reared back, wanting to throw the mirror across the room and shatter it in to a thousand pieces, but she couldn't let it go. As much as she hated what she was seeing, she hated the idea of not being able to see it more. She turned the mirror face down on the bed laid back on her pillow. Her heart ached and she stomach felt hollow. How could this be happening? It felt like just yesterday they were all so happy. The truth was, she had no sense of time here, and for all she knew it could have been months later. She felt a rage boiling up inside her she had never felt in her life. What was this madness? Was this place changing her?

He wasn't sure how long he had laid there on the ice; the sound of this sister's pleading voice in his ear, when suddenly he heard a new voice. "Jack. Get up Jack." The voice said. Jack's eyes opened quickly, and he sat up looking around at the frozen sea. There was no one that he could see but himself. "Get up Jack!" the voice said again louder. "Who's there?" Jack cried getting to his feet. "It's Katherine. I can see you but I'm not here." She said. He was confused by her words. "I don't understand?" Jack said. "No time to explain Jack, you've got to save Elsa." She said, her voice echoing across the frozen sea. "Where do I go?" he asked desperately. "Follow your heart Jack, it will never lead you astray." Katherine answered. "But Katherine...Katherine?" he asked in to the sky. He waited but there was no response, she was gone.

"Follow my heart." He said allowed thinking about her words. He closed his eyes and thought about Elsa, and how much he loved her. He was beginning to feel silly, as nothing was happening, when suddenly a strong wind from behind him blew him forward. His eyes shot open and he looked around. "What the hel-" he started but the wind picked up again so strong he couldn't do anything but run in the direction it was blowing. He ran faster and faster and then with a kick off from the ground he outstretched his arms and took off in to the sky.

The sound of howling wind could be heard outside and her window rattled against it. She looked up from her pillow and out in to the empty tundra. She rose from her bed and was about to draw the curtain when he heard a banging on her door. "Go away." She said, but the door opened anyway. Pitch stood in her doorway and her face turned to one of disgust. "I said go away." She repeated not moving from the window. "I want to show you something." He said ignoring her request. "I don't want to see it." She said defiantly. He smirked and said, "Oh I'm certain you will." And with a few steps he was across the room and grabbing her by the arm.

"Let go of me!" she demanded as he pulled her out of the room and up a set of stairs that had never been there. "Where are we going? Let go of me!" she cried as he drug her up the stairs. The stair case winded around the room over and over, higher and higher, until they must have been near the top of the castle. When they reached a small landing she saw a door. He opened it and pushed her inside. She was in a small tower room with one window. "What are you doing?" she cried as he stood in the doorway and smiled. "Watch out that window your majesty and soon you'll see." He said maliciously as he slammed the door and locked it. "No! Let me out!" she cried running to the door and pulling on it, but it was no use. She ran to the window and looked out, suddenly realizing how high up she truly was. "Help me!" she screamed out in to the emptiness. She didn't know why he locked her up here, but she knew nothing good could come of it.

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