Chapter 19

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He woke with a start that morning, to the sound of someone banging on the door. "Jack! We need to get going." Boomed North. He looked over to Elsa, who was still sleeping and had not appeared to move all night. She looked so helpless he could hardly stand to leave her. "Ok, I'm coming." He said, although he didn't move from the chair, her hand still in his.

He looked over his shoulder as the door opened and Anna peered inside. "I wanted to say goodbye to her." Anna said looking over to Elsa. Jack nodded, "Of course." And Anna entered. She went to her bedside and sank down. She reached out her hand nervously, and touched her cheek. "She's going to be alright." She said trying to convince herself.

Jack rubbed his thumb over her limp hand tenderly. "I know she will be." He said trying to do the same. She had to be all right. He couldn't remember a life before Elsa. Since they met all he wanted to do was make her happy, and keep her safe. She was his perfect match he knew that now, and he was not going to let someone like Pitch take it away.

Anna kissed Elsa's cheek and then stood up from the bed. "We better get going. I'll let you say goodbye." She said looking from Elsa to Jack and then headed towards the door. "Thank you Anna." Jack said. She paused for a moment, her back to him, but then opened up the door and left, closing it behind her.

He got up from the chair and sank down on the bed next to her. Her soft white hair was in it's braid laying on her right shoulder. Her dress was perfectly smoothed out. Her arms at a relaxed position at her side. She looked like she would open an eye any moment and smirk at him.

He touched her cheek and kissed her forehead, then her lips. "I'll be back Elsa. I promise, but I'm not coming back till I've defeated Pitch or found a way to wake you." He said resting his forehead on hers. "You've got to keep fighting in there. You're strong. You're stronger than me." He said, his voice cracking. "Promise me you'll hold on, because I don't want to live with out you. I can't live with out you." Said letting a tear fall and hit her cheek. "I love you." He whispered as he kissed her lips once more and wiped away the tear.

He rose from the bed and walked to the door quickly. If he didn't leave now he never would. His heart ached but he knew this was the only way to save her. He took one last look at her over his shoulder, then opened the door and left. The sound of it closing behind him was the most painful sound he'd ever heard.

"Are you ready?" asked North sizing him up as he entered the foyer where everyone else was waiting. Jack nodded, he had his staff, that was all he needed. North had his twin swords on his back, and EB his boomerangs. Kristoff had a crossbow strapped to his back and he was in the process of talking Anna out of carrying one herself. "You'll shoot yourself!" Kristoff cried taking the crossbow from her. "Oh yeah? How?" she retorted snatching it back and waving it around. "Just like that!" Kristoff said snatching it back. "I need something to protect myself!" Anna cried jumping and trying to reach the crossbow Kristoff was holding out of reach. "That's what you've got me for." He teased sneaking a quick kiss on her lips.

When she saw Jack she forgot the crossbow and ran over to him. "I meant to give this too you." She said pulling something from her pocket and looping it around his neck. "A necklace?" he asked her confused picking it up in his hand and looking at it. She shook her head, "It's not just a necklace, it's a locket. Open it." She said with a slight smile. He did as she asked and inside he saw a picture of Elsa. "It was my mother's. It used to have my picture in it too, but I gave that to Kristoff." She said hitching her thumb over his shoulder to him. "He carry's his in his wallet. Guess he's too manly for jewelry, but I noticed you didn't have pockets so..." she began to ramble but his words silenced her. "It's perfect Anna, thank you." He smiled, taking one last look at Elsa before closing it and tucking it in his shirt.

A loud clap from North brought his attention back to the task. "All right then, we are going to leave from the garden out back. We will all go through the rabbit hole and should come out in Eastern Siberia." He said. "I beg your pardon?" Anna said confused. "I thought we were going to Santa Claus? Wait..that's you?" Kristoff said confused scratching his head. "We are going to Santoff Claussen and it is in Eastern Siberia, just protected by magic so ordinary people can not see it. We can not use a rabbit hole to get inside because it is protected by magic." North said with a sigh repeating himself. "I get it." Olaff said excitedly waving his stick arms. "At least somebody does." EB mumbled rolling his eyes. "Ok, let's go. We don't have a moment to spare." Jack said anxiously wanting to wake Elsa as soon as possible.

"Very well, let's go." North said walking out the door, everyone following in line behind him. When they reached the garden EB tapped his foot twice on the ground and a large black hole opened up. "Are you sure that's going to Eastern Siberia?" Tooth asked him nervously and he nodded. "Course it is. I mean it should be?" he said not instilling much confidence, but North clapped him on the back. "I have the upmost faith in you Bunny!" He said with a smile. "Now, listen to me everyone. We need to stay as a group. We wait for everyone before we leave. Clear?" he said and they all nodded. "All right. Who wants to go first?" He smiled looking around at them all. Jack took a deep breath and stepped up to the edge of the hole. "Ready or not, I'm coming for you Pitch." He said and then jumped in to the hole...

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