Chapter 25

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The castle was almost exactly like the one she had built, despite its dark and malevolent presence. The ice was mixed with Pitch's nightmare black sand, which gave it a stone like appearance. The chandelier above them was no longer an ornate snowflake, but a dangerous hanging black spike. Unlike her castle, which had been empty, his was filled with black velvet furniture, and a large black spiked throne.

There were candelabras all about with black candles that gave off blue flames. When she reached out to touch one she found that is was not hot. The night outside the window was dark; there truly was no moon. She could still hear the wolves howling inside the castle, and it made her shiver.

"You'll know the way to your room then." He said pointing up the stairs. She wanted to argue, but the truth was she would rather be locked upstairs in her room than anywhere near him. What was he trying to play at? She would never be happy here, and she was not going to stay here much longer.

Up the stairs and in the ice room there was furniture that much resembled the pieces she had in her parent's castle. The bed and dresser all looked the same, and the same window there at the farthest wall. There was a large mirror beside the armior and she walked over to it, looking at her reflection.

She looked like the same girl, but she didn't feel the same. Her heart was heavy, and she felt weighed down by confusion and fear. She had no sense of time anymore. She was not sure if it had been days since she last saw Jack or was it merely hours? She kept hoping that she would open her eyes and see him smiling at her. That he would come and rescue her from all this.

She looked in to the mirror again and saw the bed behind her and saw on it laid a dress. She turned to look at it more closely, walking over to it. The dress was long, and ornate with Chantilly lace. It was all black and had a train much like the blue dress she already wore.

She shook her head. She would not wear the dress. How dare he be so bold as to try and dress her? Did he think he was going to win her over with gifts? A soft rain began to beat against her window, and she walked over to it looking out in to the blackness. The rain trickled down her window like tears. She watched it for some time, until a rumbling of thunder and bolt of lightening scared her away from the window.

She sank down on to the bed and put her head in to her hands. She let out a rattling sigh, but she could not cry. It was if she had spent all her tears out on the sea. She was so confused and alone, all she wanted was to go home. She wanted to see her sister again, she wanted to see Jack.

She sat there for some time, eyes closed and head in her hands listening to the rain until she heard a knock at the door. "Go away." She said, but another knock followed. "I said go away." She said louder, but he entered anyway. She looked up at him and he looked a bit taken back in surprise. "I thought you'd have your gown on by now." He said, looking to the dress still laid out on the bed. "I'm not wearing that." Was all she said. He shook his head pitifully and said, "I think you will." She was about to protest, when she heard a voice.

"Elsa, Elsa help me!" the voice said. It sounded terrified and loud right in her ear. She jumped from the bed and looked all around the room. "Elsa please!" The voice screamed. "What are you doing? Stop it!" Elsa cried to him but he only smiled. "Are you hearing voices again Elsa?" he said playfully, but it wasn't just any voice, it was Anna's. "Elsa! Elsa! Help me please!" she cried louder and louder.

Elsa put her hands over her ears and cried, "Make it stop, please!" but she could still hear Anna's voice screaming and begging, as if for her life. "Say you'll do as I ask." Pitch said narrowing his yellow eyes at her. Elsa only growled at him, but then Anna's voice let out a blood-curdling scream and Elsa sank to her knees. "Fine! I'll do as you say!" she cried, and just like that the voice subsided.

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