Chapter 14

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That night as they all sat around the table, having dinner like a family, he found he could hardly eat. He couldn't take his eyes off them, all of them, especially Elsa. She had really grown since they first met. Despite the impeding situation she was glowing.

North was telling a story and everyone was engaged. The way he explained it made them all laugh, even Elsa. He knew that she was being strong for the rest of the group. They looked to her and she knew to remain strong. She truly was the perfect Queen.

They were all laughing and joking, when suddenly their laughter was halted by a blood-curdling scream. Everyone jumped up from the table. Anna cried out in fear, grabbing on to Kristoff's arm. "What was that?" Elsa gasped looking towards the door where it came.

The doors burst open and one of the servants came running in; a look of terror on her face. "Your majesty! Your majesty!" she cried pointing out in to the hallway. "What is it woman?!" North boomed grabbing her by the shoulders, but at the sight of him and EB she fainted.

She dropped to the floor and North looked back at them puzzled, before he shrugged and stepped over her, running down the hallway she indicated. Everyone followed him, even the snowman. As they took off out the door and down the hall, Jack took Elsa's hand. "Don't be afraid." He said to her giving her hand a squeeze.

As they ran down the hall another servant jumped out from another room and yelled, "In the down, they are demons in the town!" before slamming the door to hide. North and EB looked over their shoulders to Jack; they knew it was Pitch.

They came to a halt just at the balcony over looking the town. Down in the distance they could hear the screams of the townspeople, and the braying of horses. "We've got to get down there!" yelled Elsa, as she looked widly at them. "It isn't safe for you!" Jack said shaking his head. "We will go. You all will stay here." He said motioning for North and EB to follow him.

"They're my people!" Elsa cried to his back. He stopped, turned on his heel and walked back to her, "And you're my people." He whispered a desperate tone in his voice. "I promise, everything will be alright. Now let us go help them." He said and she gave a nod.

The three off them took down the hall and out the front doors of the castle. The guard was there all filing out to the town. "What should we prepare for?" One of them asked and EB responded, "Nightmares mate." before busting through the gate and taking off towards the town.

The town was like a scene out of a horrible nightmare. People were running everywhere, screaming, most of them trying to hide, some of them trying to fight. A horde of nightmare stallions had taken over the town; running from place to play crying out in to the night.

"We've got to destroy them, they're terrifying the people, this is just what Pitch wanted." Jack Said to North and EB. "We need Sandy and Toothiana." EB said as he tossed a boomerang out in to the horde of horses and three became nothing but black dust.

"Give the signal." North said with an affirmative nod. EB caught the boomerang and pulled out a large horn. He put it to his lips and blew. A loud call echoed through the town and out in to the night sky. "Won't be long now." He said pulling out both boomerangs.

Within a matter of second Jack could hear a returning horn blast and the sound of wings as the Tooth Fairy and Sand came zooming through the night sky. Sandy sent a blast of golden sand towards the horses and one by one they disintegrated. "Ah ha! Now the fun begins!" North cried as he pulled his swords of his coat and charged in to the horde of horses.

Jack twirled his staff in hand before cracking a small smile. "Just like old times." He muttered as he cast a sheet of ice to cover the street. He began skating across the ice towards the horde, turning each one in to ice as he hit them with his staff. They would crystalize and then burst showering the street in snow.

One by one the horses disappeared until the last remaining few were sent running from the town and back to Pitch. "Hazah!" North cried raising both his swords to the sky in triumph. "Don't get too excited mate, you know that was just round one." EB said looking towards the mountains.

Jack new that EB was right; Pitch had only sent the horses to scare the townspeople. He wanted to fill them with fear so that he could control them. "Let him come. These people will believe in us!" North said confidently, putting his swords away. One by one people because to open their windows and doors, poking there heads out.

"It's alright now, you have nothing to fear. The nightmares are over." Jack said to the people who were wide-eyed and confused, staring at the guardians. "Queen Elsa has sent us to protect you. It is of her upmost concern that you all are kept safe." Jack said as the guardians came together.

They all began to come outside now, in small group; huddled together they were still afraid but were becoming more curious than terrified. "Santa! Santa!" A little girl cried. "That's the Easter Bunny!" another boy said pointing to EB. "Is that the Tooth Fairy?" one boy asked touching the empty spot where his tooth had been. "Good job flossing!" Toothiana said giving him a thumbs up.

"Oh, that's the Sandman!" a group of girls giggled, and Sandy winked creating a few sand butterflies to fly their way and entertain them. The town was slowly becoming more and more comfortable. Smiles spreading across their faces some of them began to cheer.

"As long as we are here, you'll have nothing to fear." Jack said with a self-assured smile. As long as the town had confidence in the Guardians, Pitch would have no power here. They cheered and danced, and chased the sand butterflies around and the Guardians could not keep a smile from their faces.

"Sandy, it's late, I think it's time for the town to go to sleep, don't you?" Toothiana smiled and Sandy nodded. He rose up in to the sky and began to send his swirling sand over the town; letting is rain down on to the townspeople who all began to yawn and stretch heading back to their houses.

After a few minutes all the lights were out and the streets free of people and the Guardians headed back towards the castle to tell the others of what just happened, and of course introduce the two new guests. On the way back Jack explained to Sandy and Toothiana the situation with Elsa and her family.

This attack had just been the first, and Jack was sure there would be many to follow. It was imperative that they all kept Elsa calm, and the town safe, so that she would trust them and let them handle Pitch instead of herself. He knew she was stubborn and strong, but he could not risk loosing her to Pitch.

As they entered the front gates they suddenly froze. In the front courtyard there stood a lone black sand stallion just a few feet ahead of them. It did nothing but stood there and stared at them. As EB pulled his boomerang the stallion suddenly crumbled, becoming nothing but black sand.

They approached the black sand pile, which had not disappeared the way the other had, and watched as it began to swirl up in to the air and take shape. They could just make out the shape of a tall man when they heard Pitch's voice whisper, "Sweet Dreams" and then the sand blew away with the wind...

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