Chapter 7

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When it finally woke, it was nearly dark. He groaned as his pale blue eyes fluttered open. He sat up slowly, rubbing his head as he did so. "Ugh." he moaned out in to the empty forest. He was dazed, but everything before the impact was so clear. Elsa was in danger, and she need him. He pulled himself up from the ground, dusting the snow off him he took back to the skies and headed towards Arendelle.

There was no sign of Princess Anna or her friends. They must have already beat him to Arendelle. Perhaps they had already saved Elsa; it was a happy thought he would allow to surpass his fear. As he reached Arendelle he headed straight for the castle. He would be able to slip through undetected. He had no idea where he was going, the palace seemed almost abandoned. He walked down the long carpeted hallways in silence, listening for any sound when he heard a mans voice.

Princess Anna was being carried in to a room by a man Jack had never seen before. He ran up behind him and followed him in. Anna was shivering, her hair completely white. She was babbling, something about a true love's kiss; but the man didn't kiss Anna. Instead he revealed his true plan, to kill Elsa and steal the throne. He was struck with panic at the man's words and watched in horror as the man poured a pitcher of water over the fire, putting it out.

The man brushed past Jack with nothing but a shiver, and left poor Anna to die. Jack didn't know what to do. He couldn't start a fire, he couldn't keep her warm. He ducked out of the room behind the man and headed past him down the hall. He was going to follow him to Elsa, when out of the corner of his eye he saw the animated snowman, hiding in the corner. Was he looking for Anna?

Jack couldn't help Anna, but perhaps the snowman could. Jack summoned a gust of wind that swirled around the snowman and blew him clear down the hall to the door Anna was behind. Jack watched as the snowman jiggled the door open with his carrot nose, and went inside to to rescue Anna. "Smart hunk of snow." Jack smirked as he turned and raced down the hall after the man.

"With a heavy heart, I charge Queen Elsa with treason, and sentence her to death." the man said. Jack cried out no, but no one could hear. A guard man nodded, and turned to head out of the room, perhaps to where Elsa was being held? It was his only lead so he followed it. The door would be locked, he was sure of that. With one icy blast he forced the window open, shooting out of it like a cannon he flew round the castle to the icy fjord. Just beyond that window was the cell Princess Elsa was locked in.

He hoped he would not harm her, but he had no choice but to shatter the window. Summoning his strength he would burst through it with great force. She let out a scream, covering her face with her shackled hands. Jack tumbled in heels over head and in to the door; he staff flying across the room. "Jack!" she cried, seeing him. He scrambled to his feet and ran to her. "Elsa, are you hurt? Did they hurt you?" he asked looking her over. She shook her head, "How did you find me?" she gasped.

"It's a long story. We've got to get you out of here. You are in danger." he said as he tugged on the shackles. Suddenly, a banging could be heard on the door. It was the guard, they had come for her. "It's no use!" she cried. He would not accept that as he tugged harder. "Elsa you have to try. We can do it. together." he said as he grabbed a shackle in each hand.

With what strength he had left he concentrated on the shackles, Elsa doing the same. Before their eyes they began to freeze, colder and colder, until they became so brittle they burst. Her hands were free, she was free. "Now go, Elsa please! Run away! Go back to the castle. I will protect you!" he said grabbing her shoulders and looking deep in to her eyes. The banging on the door was growing louder. They were determined to knock it down.

Her pale cold hands grabbed each side of his face and she pulled his pale lips on to hers. Although the air around them was the coldest he had ever felt a warm electricity washed over his whole body as she pressed her lips against his. He wanted to hold her there in his arms for ever, but he could hear the wood splitting of the cell door. Their lips parted and he whispered, "Now go!" and she turned disappearing out the window and on to the frozen fjord...

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