Chapter 9

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It was like the whole world was frozen; as solid as Princess Anna. Her last breath hung in the air, as the steam slowly rose and disappeared in to the sky. Elsa looked up, her face twisted in to a look of horror as she gasped, "Anna!" She lept to her feet staring at her, reaching out but almost afraid to touch the ice sculpture that was her sister.

"Elsa, I, I'm so sorry..." Jack started, but she was not listening. Kristoff was here now, his face downcast, a tear sparkling in his eye. The reindeer and the animated snowman just stood there in shock. "No, no, please no." Elsa sobbed and she wrapped her arms around her frozen sister. Jack's heart was breaking. He had lost his sister as well, and he would never wish such pain on someone he cared for as much as Elsa.

He looked towards the East where he knew the Man in the Moon would soon be rising. "Please, not her. I'll do anything please. Help her." he begged. He would give up anything to help ease Elsa's pain and bring back her sister, even if that meant he had to leave. Elsa's sobs were like a knife in his heart as they echoed across the frozen fjord.

He thought all hope was lost, when through Elsa's sobs he heard the snowman gasp. He looked up and before his eyes, Princess Anna was beginning to thaw. It was slow at first, from her heart outward it spread like a fire. Jack walked up behind Elsa and whispered to her, "Look." Elsa's pale blue eyes lifted, still blurry with tears and she too gasped as she saw her sister, and felt her growing warmer in her arms.

"Anna!" she cried as her once solid sister was alive again in her embrace. "Elsa!" Anna cried as she hugged her tight. Elsa held her out by the shoulders, "You sacrificed yourself for me?" she said in disbelief. Anna only smiled, "Of course, I love you." she said hugging her again. The animated snowman clapped for joy. "An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart!" he cheered as he danced around.

Suddenly the look on Anna's face changed in to a daze. "Elsa, behind you." she whispered and as Elsa looked over her shoulder she only saw Jack. Elsa turned back to Anna, "You can see him?" she asked her confused as well. Anna nodded, it was if she had awakened with a new sense of realization. "The Man in the Moon. You're Jack Frost. You're Elsa's Jack!" Anna said, her face turning in to a surprised smile.

Jack was shocked as well, stunned even. He could hardly believe that Elsa could see him, let alone her sister too. Anna let go of Elsa and surprised Jack once again by pulling him in to a hug. "Thank you." she whispered and she held him tight. Kristoff and the reindeer still looked confused but he would take what he could get. Elsa smiled as she watched Jack and her sister embrace. "Love will thaw..." she mumbled.

All of a sudden she cried out, "Love will thaw!" Everyone looked to her. "Elsa?" Anna said. "What do you mean Elsa?" Jack started but then it struck him as well. "To thaw the city!" he said. Elsa wasn't afraid anymore. The people would be able to see that her power could be used for good. She began to move her hands in a motion as if she was summoning the ice all around her. The wind began to swirl and the snow began to literally be pulled from where ever it lay.

"Elsa it's working!" Jack cried in amazement as he watched the snow began to flow towards her through the air and up in to the sky. He used his power to send for more wind and help clear all the snow. "Wow..." Kristoff breathed as she looked not at the snow, but exactly where Jack stood. "You can see him too now can't you?" Anna smiled as she walked in to Kristoff's arms. He only nodded, his mouth still agape. "I can see him too!" cried the snowman. It was if everyone was beginning to believe in Elsa's power, and in Jack.

He looked from the snowman up to the sky and saw above where there was once a giant storm cloud, now hung an equally large snowflake. With the clap of her hands the snowflake, along with all the snow that made it, disappeared. The fjord began to thaw and before any of them could panic one of the frozen ships began to emerge from the ice, and they were thankfully all aboard it. The sun was shining, the air warming, and all the summer flowers were beginning to bloom again; and in the distance the sound of cheering could be heard coming from the village.

"Oh Elsa you did it! I knew you could!" Anna cried as she hugged her again. Elsa smiled and hugged her back tight. "Not with out Jack." she said with a smile as she looked at him over Anna's shoulder. As they parted Elsa came to him. "You saved me. Anna. All of Arendelle." she said as he pulled her in to a hug. "I'd do anything for you Elsa." he said feeling a warmth in his cheeks. She brushed a pale hand down his cheek before planting a soft kiss on his lips. It sent shivers all over his body and he never wanted them to go away.

"Hi, I'm Olaff and I like warm hugs!" he suddenly heard as he felt a tug on his pant leg. Elsa laughed as they looked down and saw the snowman. "Hello Olaff, I'm Jack Frost." he said shaking the snowman's branch hand. "You were invisible, but now I see you. That's a good trick." he said with a laugh before his mouth started to melt in the warming sun. "Want to see a better one?" Elsa smirked as she sent a blast of cool air over Olaff and a small snow cloud appeared over his head.

"Oh my own personal flurry!" he cried as he danced around in it. Jack smiled and nudged her shoulder, "See you're not all bad." he teased and she poked him in the ribs. Jack had almost completely forgotten about Prince Hans, but Kristoff hadn't. He started to charge past them towards the now awake Prince who was struggling to get to his feet. "Oh no you don't." Anna said as she stepped in the way. He looked like he was about to protest, but knew better. Smart man, Jack thought.

Princess Anna turned on her heel and walked up to Prince Hans who looked stunned to see her. "Anna you were - She froze your heart?" he stammered. She straightened herself up and said, "The only one with a frozen heart around here, is you." she had begun to turn away when she quickly turned back around and punched him right in the nose. Jack let out a laugh as he saw the Prince fly back once more and fall overboard.

"Nice one!" he cried clapping her on the back as she walked back over to Kristoff and he high-fived her. The three of them, Kristoff, Olaff, and Princess Anna all started joking and chattering and Jack let it all fade to the background as he looked over to Elsa and touched her arm gently. "Are you ready to go back and see your people?" he asked looking towards Arendelle. Elsa followed her eyes and a look of nervousness washed over her face. "Will you stay with me?" she asked looking back to him biting her lip. He slipped his hand in to her's and smiled, "Always."

With that Kristoff began to untie the sails and captain the ship back to port where they would all head back to the castle. He wasn't sure how any of this happened. Whether it was meeting Elsa, or the Man in the moon? He didn't know who to thank, but for the first time since he fell in to that pond, he felt alive again. Little did he know that evil was lurking just beyond the mountains of Arenedelle, and it was coming for them all...

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