Chapter 16

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She couldn't keep the smile from her face as she heard his words. Jack could practically hear his heart beating in his ears as he stared at her, waiting for her to say something, anything. "I love you too Jack. I never thought I'd feel like this, but I don't know where I'd be with out you." she said a slight glistening in her eyes. He used his thumb and forefinger to bring her chin up to him and he placed a kiss on her lips. "You'll never have to wonder." he said softly kissing her again.

The next morning when they were all having breakfast Elsa suddenly made a proclamation. "I think we should have a town meeting." he said looking up from her plate. Everyone went silent and looked towards her. "What sort of meeting Elsa?" Anna asked her curiously. "Yeah, what for?" Kristoff asked. She set down her fork and continued, "I think it's best they know what's going on, or at least that we've got it under control. I think it would reassure them, knowing you all are here." She said looking to them all.

A few of them nodded and Jack said, "I think that's a great idea." Anna waved over one of the servants and Elsa told him to take down a dictation and deliver it to the town. They would all meet at noon in the courtyard to let the town know that they had nothing to fear, that Elsa and the Guardians would keep them safe. She was not sure she completely believed her own words, but if fear is what gave Pitch power, she didn't want any lingering in Arendelle.

As she finished dressing for the meeting she heard a soft knock on her door. "Come in." she said turning from the mirror to look towards the door. Anna pushed the door open just enough to slip inside. "You were expecting Jack?" she teased as she aw Elsa's surprised face. She only shrugged with a smile. "I just wanted to come see you, to tell you I'm really proud of you." she said with a nervous smile. Elsa walked up and wrapped her arms around Elsa giving her a tight hug.

Anna hugged her back and said, "Mom and Dad would be so proud of you too Elsa." and they both shared a tear. "I have no idea what I'm doing." she laughed wiping the tear away. "None of us do Elsa, but for not having any practice, you're doing a great job. I trust you." she said with a smile looking in to her big sister's eyes. "Thanks Anna, that means a lot." she said smiling back. She didn't know what she would have done if she'd lost Elsa those months ago. It made her appreciate every moment she got to spend with her sister. She was about to speak when another knock came at the door.

"Come in." she said with a light laugh looking towards the door, as Anna did the same. A head full of white hair poked in. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" Jack said surprised to see Elsa was not alone. Anna shook her head, "No not at all, come in." she said waving him forward. He stepped in and said, "I was only coming to say that it's almost noon." Elsa had almost lost complete track of time and said, "Very well let's go." and all three of them left the room and headed towards the balcony.

The courtyard was filling with people, and Elsa could feel her nerves building up inside her. She was not sure why she was so nervous, everyone had been so accepting of her and her power, but with this current Pitch problem she felt more pressure than ever. She felt a large hand pat her on the back, and she almost stumbled forward. "Don't worry your highness, we are behind you." said North with a smile. "I appreciate that, sincerely, all of you." she said turning to smile at the group behind her.

She never thought in all her life that she would be surround by this group of people. If someone had told her when she was little that she was going to meet all her childhood heroes she would not have believed it; but here she was standing in the presence of them all. She looked to Jack, he truly was a rock of support for her. Her heart swelled every time she looked upon his face. She wished her parents could have been here, to meet them all, especially him.

"Well, here it goes." she said letting out her last nervous breath as she turned on her hell and walked out to the balcony. The crowd below cheered as they saw their Queen walk out to the ledge. Elsa smiled and waved and then raised a hand to silence them, which they obeyed. "Thank you all for meeting me here today. I appreciate your loyalty and dedication. I wanted to speak briefly about the matter at hand." she said pausing a moment to gather herself.

"As many of you know, there was an attack just the other night in town. I pray that none of you were harmed or caused pain. Our town was saved by a group of Guardians who have promised to protect us from this malevolence." she continued. She was about to speak again when she heard someone begin to clap. She scanned the crowd but could not find the one responsible. The clapping grew louder and echoed through out the courtyard. Then she heard people begin to gasp and scream.

A dark figure stepped from behind the courtyard statue and began to speak, "Very moving your highness, forgive me if I don't believe you." the voice said. Elsa gasped as she looked upon the face of Pitch. Hearing his voice the Guardians ran out to the balcony, followed by Anna, Kristoff, and Olaff. "Pitch!" Toothiana gasped. "Well, well, my old friends. Good to see you again." he said with a smirk looking up to the Guardians.

The townspeople all backed away giving him a wide birth; their faces twisted with fear. "Your Queen would like you to believe that she can protect you from anything, but this is a lie. She can not protect you from me, because I live inside you. I am the darkness that lingers in your thoughts. I am the bump you hear in the night. I am the nightmares that plague your slumber. From me there is no sanctuary." he hissed letting his yellow eyes scan their scared faces.

"Don't listen to him!" Jack cried, as Elsa was frozen to the spot motionless. "He needs your fear to make him strong. With out he is nothing!" Jack cried to the crowd, but they could not take their eyes off him. Pitch laughed looking up to Jack. "Oh Jack, we would have made such a beautiful team, but it looks like I've found someone more powerful than you." he said pointing to Elsa.

"I'll see you in your dreams highness." he said with a smirk blowing her a kiss. Black sand floated through the air and rained down on Elsa. As soon as the sand touched her she collapsed. Seeing their Queen drop like a fly the crowd screamed out in panic and began to flee to their homes. Pitch let out a maniacal laugh before twisting like a black sand tornado and vanishing in to thin air...

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