Chapter 5

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They'd laughed and talked all evening and in to the early morning. He could hardly remember the last time he had this much fun. She told him stories of her sister Anna, when they were small. He could tell there was a heavy heart behind the story but all the happy memories she seemed to have were with her sister. "I had a sister too." Jack said suddenly to which Elsa was surprised. "You did?" she asked, almost if she hadn't realized he had a life before this one.

He nodded as they sat there on the ice chairs Elsa had made for them. "Her name was Sarah. She was much younger than me. She followed me everywhere." he said with a chuckle as he thought of her. "She always wanted to play, everyday, woke me up early, drove me nuts." he laughed as he looked off in to the distance. Elsa put her hand on his and his attention was once again on her. "What happened to her?" she asked. He sighed and said, "I don't know, I died."

She was very confused now, her brows stitchedtogether with worry. He thought it would be best to finish the story before he had completely frightened her. "We were out, on the frozen pond one day. She loved to ice skate. I'd saved up enough money from working odd jobs to buy her her own pair and she wanted to try them out." he said looking in to Elsa's pale blue eyes. "We were having so much fun, when all of a sudden she skated out towards the very center and the ice began to crack." he continued, his voice also cracking.

"She was scared. So was I, but I didn't want her to know, so I tried to calm him down." he said getting lost in the story. Elsa was listening intently, her hand still on his for comfort. "I told her we were going to play a game, hopscotch, her favorite." he said with a soft smile. "She started to hop towards me, the ice kept cracking, so I grabbed a stick, this staff, and used the end to pull her away from the cracked ice." he said looking at the staff he now carried.

"She was safe, but I wasn't. The ice cracked and I fell in. The last thing I remember was her yelling my name and then I woke up, and I looked like this. I had these powers." he said as he finished his story. "So it was years later?" she asked him and he nodded. "Many. I can only hope that Sarah lived a long happy life. The Man in the Moon saved me, but he let me sleep under that ice for a long time. I don't know why. Maybe this is why?" he said looking up at her with a smile.

Elsa's heart fluttered at his words. She thought about what he said. If Jack had never 'died' than he wouldn't be here with her now. Was it selfish that part of her was happy he had? She felt horrible for even saying that, and decided not to do so out loud. "I am glad I met you Jack." she said with a smile. They enjoyed a quiet moment staring at one another when a knock snapped them both to attention. "What was that?" Elsa said almost panicked. Jack got up and went to the balcony, "I don't know, I can't see." he said coming back inside.

She stood there, motionless, hoping that who ever it was would go away but instead she heard the door open. "Elsa?" she could here her name being called from downstairs. She gasped as she heard the voice. "Anna?" she said as she hurried to the stairs. "Wow, Elsa, you look different. It's a good different; and this place, did you build this?" she asked her in wonderment as she started up the stairs. "Yes, I never knew what I could do." she said with a smile. She was so happy to see Anna she wanted to run to her and hold her, but she was also scared for her.

"What are you doing here Anna?" she asked her suddenly as she watched her coming up the stairs. "I came here to talk to you, to bring you back to Arendelle." she said. At her words Elsa began to back off. "I'm not going back Anna, I can't go back. You should leave." she said to her as she turned to go back to Jack. "Elsa please, wait. You don't have to try to protect me, I'm not afraid!" she called her coming up the stairs quicker now.

"Elsa please don't shut me out again, please don't slam the door, you don't have to keep your distance anymore!" she called. "Cause for the first time in forever, I finally understand. For the first time we can fix this hand in hand. We can head down this mountain together, you don't have to live in fear, cause the first time in forever, I will be right here." she said with a smile.

"Anna, please go back home, your life awaits. Go enjoy the sun, and open up the gates. I know you mean well, but leave me be. Yes I'm alone, but I'm alone and free. Just stay away and you'll be safe from me." she said with a sigh a frown spreading across her face. "Uh, actually we're not." Anna started. "What do you mean you're not?" Elsa said whipping around. "I have a feeling you don't know, Arenedelle's in deep, deep, deep snow..." she said nervously. "What?!" Elsa cried her heart racing as she began to panic.

"What's wrong?" Jack said as Elsa entered the upstairs room, Anna behind her. Elsa was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling. "Elsa are you alright?" Jack asked but she couldn't heart him. "it's ok, you can just unfreeze everything." Anna said trying to calm Elsa down. "No, I can't, I don't know how!" she cried her hands getting lost in her hair as she whirled around. "Sure you can, I know you can!" Anna said confidently with a smile. Elsa was feeling dizzy. Jack was talking to her, Anna was talking to her and her emotions inside her were reeling. "Oh I'm such a fool, I can't be free. No escape from the storm inside of me. I can't control the curse...Anna please you'll only make it worse!" she cried. "Jack stop. Anna please!" she could hardly keep their chatter separate.

"Elsa who is Jack? Who are you talking to? We've got to get back to Arendelle. You've got to unfreeze the town!" Anna cried. Her anxiety and emotions were too much to handle she was spinning out of control. Finally something inside her snapped. "I can't!" she cried as a burst of power radiated from her body. Jack flew back across the room and as she looked to Anna, she saw her on the ground. She gasped, "No." she whispered, she'd done it again. Suddenly someone came running in the room.

A tall blonde haired man ran to Anna's side followed by what looked like a snow man. "What's that, who is this?!" Elsa cried scared and confused. "Anna are you ok?" asked the man as he helped her up. She nodded, "I'm fine. I'm fine." she said. The snowman looked at Elsa. "Olaff?" she breathed, how could it be? "Your powers are strong Elsa." said Jack as he got to his feet, his eyes on the living snowman. "Don't you think I know that Jack." she snapped at him. Anna and the man raised a worried brow. "Elsa, who are you talking to?" Anna asked looking around. "All this solitude is getting to her." said the snowman.

Elsa had almost forgotten that no one else could see Jack. "No one, it's complicated." she said turning around away. "Who is Jack?" the blonde man attempted to whisper to Anna. Elsa whirled back around. "He's like me, you can't see him. Anna please, you have to leave. You're not safe." Elsa said rapidly, her words running all together. Anna was still looking around for the man she couldn't see and didn't seem to be listening to her. "Elsa please, I don't know how to undo what I've done. I can't help you." she said defeated.

"Come on Anna, let's go." said the man, his arms still around here. "I can't, Elsa, please..." she started but Elsa wouldn't hear it. "You're leaving, now!" she said as she moved her hands in a motion whirling them one on top of the other. Before her eyes an enormous snow monster was created. Anna let out a scream before her, the man, and the snow man took off down the stairs and out of the castle. Elsa put her hands over her face as she let out a sob.

She felt a hand on her shoulder but she shrugged it off. "Please, just leave me alone." she said swallowing the lump in her throat. "Elsa, I -" he started but she couldn't deal. "Leave me alone!" she cried her pale blue eyes hard on his. He looked a little taken aback, hurt even. Elsa immediately regretted what she had said, but she just stood there. Jack nodded and walked past her towards the balcony. With one last look he took off in to the setting sun...

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