Chapter 30

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"Why are you doing this?" she cried as Pitch drug her down the stairs towards her room. "A good plan reveals itself in its own time" he said as he opened the door and pushed her inside. "No get ready!" He said banging on the door.

She looked on her bed and saw a long black ball gown. She wanted to rip it to shreds and throw it in his face, but then she thought of Jack. He had come all this way to save her; she couldn't let him be killed. She couldn't live with out him. She'd find a way to break him free and get out of this nightmare. As long as they were together, everything would be ok.

She hardly had a chance to think when her door opened and three faceless black statues entered. "Stop there, what are you doing?" She asked backing away from the door, but the kept coming. One of them picked up her dress and held it out to her. Another pulled a comb from her back, and the last one a brush. They had come to get her ready. She knew it was no use to fight them so she let them get her ready for her wedding.

He struggled against the chains, but could not get free. He didn't come this far to lose Elsa now. If he could just slip the chains he could grab Elsa and make a run for it. He had no idea how to get out of this nightmare, but as long as they were together nothing else mattered. The thought of Elsa being forced to marry Pitch made him sick to his stomach. He couldn't live a life with out Elsa, and if anyone were going to marry her, it would be him.

The hour was growing late and she had been trying to break down the door since the statues had left, but it was sealed tight. She felt defeated. Even her magic could not freeze the handles off. She had given up on herself. She was about kick at the door once more when it suddenly opened. It creaked open slowly, seemingly by itself, and Elsa raised a curious brow as she watched it. She made her way slowly to the doorway and peaked her head out. She could hear some scuffling downstairs so she leaned out a little further. She could still not see however so she walked out on to the landing, and the door to her bedchamber slammed shut behind her. She turned around quickly and tried to open it, but it was locked. The only place for her to go now was down.

She walked towards the edge of the stairs and looked over. Below her sat at least a hundred statues all in little rows and in front she could see Jack, still bound to his chair. There was an aisle down the middle and at the end of the aisle was Pitch. He looked up at her as he heard the door slam and he smiled. All the statues followed suit and even Jack did his best to look up despite his chains. "Ah, here comes the bride." Pitch said with an evil grin as his yellow eyes fell on her.

Her ball gown was a tight corset with a large skirt. It had long black sheer sleeves and they had placed a long black chapel veil atop her head that followed her like a train for at least six feet. Music began to play and Pitch waved a hand for her to come down. She wanted to scream, to throw herself off the landing and in to the crowd, but her eyes found Jack again and her feet began to move.

One step at a time she made her way down the stairs. All the faceless statues were looking in her direction. Their eerie stone faces tilted as if they were really looking at her as she began to walk down the isle. "You are a vision." Pitch said with a smile looking at her, and then throwing a glance in Jack's direction. He was torturing him, and it made her sick. She walked as slow as she possibly could down the aisle, dreading what stood before her at the end.

Jack was frantically shaking his head and trying to talk despite his gag. He didn't want her to go through with this, but she didn't want him to die. She looked at him as she passed him. Her pale blue eyes found his and a tear welled in her eyes, "I'm sorry." She said and she could almost hear her heart breaking. "Now now, it won't be all that bad. You'll still be a Queen." Pitch smiled as her took her hands in his.

His touch made her want to recoil away, but the statue next to Jack pulled what looked like a sharp icicle out and held it to Jack's side. "I take you Elsa of Arendelle to be my Queen, for all time, until the untimely end of your days." Pitch said with a wicked smile. Her stomach was sick as she heard his words and she felt as if she could faint. "And do you Elsa of Arendelle, take me Pitch Black, to be your King, for all time, until the untimely end of your days?" he asked her.

She couldn't speak. She could hardly breath. Her eyes were fixed on Jack who was struggling the best he could against the chains and the blade. "I...." Elsa stuttered. The statue pressed the icicle in to Jack's side further and she could hear him cry out in pain. "I do, I do, please don't hurt him!" she cried and Pitch smiled. "King and Queen, forever." He hissed.

He leaned in and Elsa gasped as she realized he was going to try and kiss her. This proved to be too much for her and Jack as he let out a groan and with an icy burst his chains exploded. He jumped up from the chair and the statue fell back. "Get away from her!" Jack yelled shooting another icy blast towards Pitch.

It hit him and he stumbled back away from Elsa. He was stunned, but only for a moment. He got to his feet and held out his hand; a black sand dagger materialized in his grasp and he charged for Jack. Before Jack could get away two of the statues behind him grabbed his arms and held him in place.

Pitch was coming right for Jack when Elsa screamed, "NO!" and jumped in front of him taking the dagger square in the chest. Pitch's eyes widened in shock as he saw what he had done. Elsa fell to the floor, limp, her pale blue eyes frozen in death.

Jack could not comprehend what he had just seen. The statues released him and he fell to the floor, scrambling to Elsa's side. It was as if time had stopped. No one moved towards him, no one moved at all. "No, no, Elsa, no!" Jack stammered reaching her he took her in his arms, but she did not move.

Pitch stood there motionless, his eyes wide and fixed on her. "No, no, no." Jack repeated over and over. Suddenly, the world around him became blurry, as if it were disappearing, and he heard another voice besides his own say "Jack, Jack, wake up Jack!" he blinked and the world around him was gone, replaced with the room he had fallen asleep in.

Everyone was standing around him and as he began to realize what happened he sat up abruptly. His arms were empty and Elsa was gone. "No, no! You have to send me back! No! Elsa!" he cried looking around wildly at the others. "What's happened!? Where is Elsa?!" Anna cried frantically grabbing Jack by the shirt. "He, Pitch, oh no, no no, Pitch!" Jack rambled; he couldn't get a clear thought together.

"Jack you have to breathe!" EB said trying to calm him down but he couldn't breath. He couldn't think. He couldn't remember anything but her cold eyes. "Jack where is Elsa, did you wake her?!" Kristoff boomed trying to get his attention, but Jack was like a crazed man; his eyes wide and his words scattered.

This had to be some horrible nightmare. He had to be still at Pitch's castle. This was some kind of torture. He closed his eyes tight and opened them, but he was still in Santoff Claussen. He closed his eyes again and opened them, again, and again, but it never changed.

Katherine put her hand to Jack's forehead and let out a gasp. She dropped her head and when she looked back up at them her eyes were filled with tears. The words that came out of her mouth left everyone in the room speechless, "Elsa is dead."...

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