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He hadn't had any time to prepare Elsa for the guardians arrival. North wanted to leave at once so that is what they did. They took the sleigh, all three of them hunched together knocking from side to side as they coasted through the starry night towards Arendelle.

"Where do you think we should land?" North shouted over the sound of the rushing wind. "Behind the castle, preferrebly out of sight." Jack cried pointing towards the castle. He was going to have to explain all of this to Elsa and the rest of the gang; he wasn't sure if he was ready to tell the rest of the village yet.

North nodded and they began their decent. Bunny was hanging on to the sleigh for dear life. He had still not become accustomed to heights. As they made their way around the castle the ground became closer and closer until they were landing on the soft ground just outside of the back gardens.

"Whoa! Easy, easy." North said calming the reindeer as the landed. They bucked and stamped their feet on the unfamiliar grass. North climbed out of the sleigh, and Jack followed. Bunny scrambled out as fast he could while still retaining some of his dignity. "Damn sleigh." He mumbled as he brushed himself off.

"This is nice place." Said North as he looked around at the impressive castle. He clapped his hands again and said, "Let's go meet the Queen." Before starting to walk off towards the castle. "Wait, wait!" Jack cried running in front of him and Bunny. They both stopped abruptly, looking confused. "Let me talk to her first, I don't want to shock her with all this." He said gesturing to North and EB.

Bunny and North exchanged confused looks but nodded. "Thanks, wait here. And when she comes back, please let's deliver the new delicately." Jack said turning on his heel and walking towards the castle. Looking back he could see North standing stoically, arms crossed, and EB leaning against the sleigh twirling his boomerang. How was he going to explain all this to Elsa?

As he walked through the royal gardens and along the little stone bridge he began to recite what he was going to say to her over and over in his head. He had to present this in a way that would not make her feel like it was her fault. He couldn't risk her getting upset again and loosing control. He had begun to think allowed when he heard his name.

"Jack! You're back!" Elsa cried as she ran across the stone bridge and in to his arms. He laughed and he picked her up and spun her around. "I told you I would be." He said setting her down. She pressed her lips against his and fireworks erupted. Every kiss from her felt like his first. "I was waiting at the window, I could have sworn I saw a-" she started but Jack finished. "Sleigh, yes you did. I can explain that." He said taking her hand and walking her back from whence he came.

"The guardians called me for an emergency meeting. They say something strange has been happening. We talked all night and believe we know what may have caused it." He said explaining the story to Elsa. She was listening intently when suddenly her eyes went wide. Jack looked up and saw North and EB there with the sleigh and reindeer. "I wanted to introduce them to you first, before everyone else." Jack said but Elsa only stared.

North took this opportunity to jump in and he walked up and gave a low bow to Elsa then extended one very large hand. "Your majesty." He said in his thick accent. "You, your, you are Father Christmas." He said her mouth still agape as she stared up at him. He let out a jolly chuckle and said, "Father Christmas, Saint Nick, Santa Claus, all good names, but you can call me North." He said as he kissed her hand gently.

She looked beyond North now to Bunny. "Are you the..." she started again but Bunny hopped over and finished her sentence. "The Easter Bunny darlin' the one and only. Atcha service. You can call me EB." He said extending a large paw which she shook. She looked back at Jack still in shocked. "I can hardly believe this." She whispered excitedly. "Oh you gotta believe Sheila, we need that now more than ever." He said with a nod.

As they made their way in the castle Jack kept pestering them about how to behave in front of the rest of the group. "Aye mate this isn't our first time meetin' people. Crikey!" Eb said throwing his hands up in exasperation. "I'm sorry, you're right." He said taking Elsa's hand once again and trying to relax. He just didn't want to put anyone on edge or make Elsa worry.

As they entered the castle Elsa led them towards one of the many dens. The door was closed but he could here Anna, Olaff, and Kristoff inside laughing and joking. Jack let out a deep sigh as they stood in front of the door. Jack gave one last knowing looking to North before they opened the door. "Here we go." Jack mumbled as Elsa pushed the door open and the four of them entered...

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