Chapter 8

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He heard the splitting of the cell door as it clattered to the ground. Prince Hans rushed in, only to find an empty cell. "No!" he cried as he realized Queen Elsa had escaped. Jack stood in the window, watching as Elsa ran across the frozen fjord. "I'm going after her!" he growled as he made his way across the prison floor. Jack sent an icy wind to push Prince Hans back as he took off after Elsa.

The wind would only slow him down, but combined with Elsa's storm it just might be enough. Jack would intensify the storm as he sent heavy snow and wind to whip about the fjord making it hard for one to see. Perhaps this blanket of snow would provide Elsa with enough of a diversion to escape. A large storm cloud grew even bigger over Arendelle as Jack conjured his winter power.

As he made his way towards Elsa, the wind carried another voice to his ear from across the fjord. "Princess Anna?" he muttered as his sharp blue eyes scanned his surroundings for her. As he narrowed his eyes just a few yards ahead of him he could see her outline. He was torn now on what to do. Elsa needed his help, but Anna would surely die out here in this storm. Staff in hand he began to run towards her. The wind pushed him every which way but he fought it until he was by her side.

Her hair was pure white now and her skin pale as the moon. She was hunched against the wind and as he leaned towards her he could hear the name her pale blue lips tried to speak, "Kristoff." He must have been the man she was with earlier, but where could he be? He looked around through the storm, narrowing his eyes against the snow. Despite the wind and snow he was sure he could hear the sound of hooves. Then there, just in the distance he could see the outline of a large beast, the reindeer, with Kristoff atop it.

It had dawned on Jack in that moment, that Kristoff was her true love, and she needed his kiss. He wished he could have picked her up and carried her to him, but he did all he could do and sent a blustering winter wind in his direction. The wind would blow Anna closer to him and with that Jack took off back in the direction of Elsa.

"Elsa!" he called over and over as he made his way through the storm. He had hoped she was well on her way to the castle by now, but with the weather, he could not be certain. He thought he would never find her, when he heard her voice ring out, "Jack!" He ran faster now, in the direction of her voice calling her name all the way. He nearly ran right past her when her arm reached out and grabbed him. "Jack!" she cried and he pulled her in to his arms.

"Jack, this storm, I can't stop it!" she cried as he held her against him. "It's alright, everything will be alright, you just have to calm down Elsa." he said trying to sooth her. He wanted to hold her like this forever. For a brief moment he felt warm and whole, but that moment was shattered by the sound of Prince Hans.

"Elsa, you can't run from this!" he cried as he appeared out of the storm coming towards them. "Stay back!" Jack cried as he sent another winter wind towards him. Prince Hans stumbled back a few paces, but it did not detour him. "Just take care of my sister!" Elsa cried as she started to run again. "Your sister?" Prince Hans cried out, a laugh lingering in his throat.

Elsa slowed, turning back to look over her shoulder at him. "Elsa, you have to keep going!" Jack yelled, but she would not listen. "Your sister returned weak and cold. Her hair had turned white. I tried to help her, but it was too late." he said. Elsa was now completely frozen to the spot. "Elsa come on!" Jack cried but she could not, would not listen. "Your sister is dead." Prince Hans said.

"Elsa no it's not true!" Jack called again, but Elsa was numb to anything else; Prince Hans words echoing through her head. She let out a sob as she collapsed on to the ground, and the storm that had once been so strong subsided around her. Jack began to run towards Elsa. He had to help her, to tell her it wasn't true, when suddenly he saw a glint of silver in the sunlight as Prince Hans drew his sword.

It was all happening so fast, and yet so slow around him. As Prince Hans raised the sword above his head Jack cried "Elsa look out!" It happened in an instant; Jack had not even seen Princess Anna throw herself in front of the blade as he shot an icy blast towards him which struck her square in the chest. The blade shattered as she turned to solid ice before his very eyes. What had he done?...

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