Chapter 4

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They were falling, falling fast. Wait, no, not falling, flying. The wind whipped against her face and hair, blowing her long blonde braid behind her. Jack had hold of her hand, his other arm outstretched grasping his staff. They really were flying. She could hardly believe it. A laugh escaped her lips so suddenly it almost scared her. Jack looked over to her with a smile as she continued to laugh. This was the most fun she'd had in a long time.

"This is amazing!" she yelled as they soared through the air like birds. She was having such a wonderful time she almost didn't realize the direction they were headed. She looked to Jack, "You've got to turn back. We're getting to close to Arendelle!" she cried almost panicked. She did not want anyone to see here flying through the air like this; then they really would think her a witch. "It's ok Elsa, I'll turn around don't worry." he said as he stretched his arm out wider catching the wind to turn them.

Don't worry? Too late. They were on the outskirts of town and Elsa could see houses, farms, even little dots of people. She began to flail her arms. "Hold still Elsa, I've got you!" he said struggling to keep hold of her hand. As she writhed her emotions got the best of her. She couldn't control herself. Snow began to whirl around them, the winds howled, and their own personal blizzard enveloped them. Somewhere in the flurry, she lost hold of Jack's hand.

Now she was falling, falling through the sky like a heavy wet snowflake. "Elsa!" Jack yelled as she plummeted towards the earth. It was happening so quickly she could hardly think to scream. She only hoped that if she were to hit the ground it would be quick. She found her voice and let out one terrified scream as she tumbled to the earth before closing her eyes tight.

But there was no impact. She only felt the soft thud that was herself landing in Jack's arms. He scooped her up just a few feet before hitting the ground. He was going at such a great speed he could hardly stop as he caught her and they rolled head over feet across the snow in a tangled somersault. As they came to a stop they were unwound and a few feet from each other. Covered in snow, but unharmed Elsa laid there in the cold fresh powder.

"Elsa!" Jack called as he scrambled on all fours towards her. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" he asked frantically as he helped her up to a seated position, dusting the snow off her. She groaned and rubbed her head slowly. "Yes, I'm alright. Thanks to you." she said looking towards him. He had saved her life. Despite the storm, all the danger she put him in, he'd come through for her. "I'm sorry. I, I couldn't control it. I didn't mean to..." she trailed off but Jack just shook his head. "It's not your fault Elsa. I should have paid attention to wear I was going." he said sincerely. He was going to continue when suddenly Elsa wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in to a hug.

She said nothing, but the hug lasted for some time. He figured she didn't have the words to say. He smiled, as he felt her warm arms around him. He still had no idea how she could see him, or touch him, but he didn't want to question the best thing that had happened to him since he became a Guardian. As she released him from her grasp he help her to her feet. "We could walk back, if you'd prefer it?" he asked her, even though he knew it would be an all day walk. But she surprised him when she shook her head and smiled, "We can fly, I trust you."

With that they were back at her ice palace with in minutes. The return flight was much more enjoyable than the first as she held his hand firmly and put her faith in him. As they landed on the balcony he jumped down from the railing and extended a hand to help her down. As she stepped off her planted foot slipped and she found herself in Jack's open arms. "Whoa!" she said as he caught her. A clumsy smile on her face. They were only a few inches apart now, and Jack could feel a strange warmth in his cheeks. "Sorry." she said, as she nervously bit her lip. "Uh, it's alright." he stammered as let her stand on her own. He wanted to say that he'd always be there to catch her, but he couldn't find the words.

"I guess I should get going." he said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. They both had a moment of tense silence, looking anywhere but each other. Then Jack went to walk past her towards the railing where he would take off in to the approaching night. "Wait." she said grabbing his arm. Electricity ran through out his body. He turned to her, "Yes?" he said. She wasn't sure what to say, why had she stopped him? She knew why but it wasn't like her. "Why don't you stay? You don't have any where else to go right?" she said with a light shrug. "Well, you know I go here and there -" he started not sure whether she was only asking out of pity. "I want you to stay Jack." she said confidently. He could hardly keep the surprised smile off his face as she stared at her beautiful face. "Ok then, I'll stay." he said with a smile and they walked in to the palace arm and arm...

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