Chapter 20

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She had lost all track of time. She didn't know how long she'd been in this place. All she knew was this was the most terrified she had ever felt. She could still smell the seawater in her hair and it made her relive her parent's deaths over and over again. She felt so alone and empty. The only sound she could hear was the wind blowing across the frozen sea and the sound of her sobs, until she heard something new.

"Elsa!" a voice cried. She looked up frantically; afraid of whom it might be but desperate for human contact. In the distance she could see a figure; a figure with snow white hair. "Jack?" she whispered not sure if it was really him or a mirage. The figure waved and yelled again, "Elsa!" his happy voice filling her up. "Jack!" she sobbed scrambling to get to her feet. It was him. She picked up her skirts and started to run towards him. Tears were streaming down her face, and her arms open wide.

She had no idea how he'd come to find her, or even where she was, but he was here and it was the happiest moment of her life. He'd come to rescue her, just like she knew he would. She couldn't believe she had almost lost faith. "Jack! Jack!" she cried running as fast as she could on the ice. She started to run towards her crying out for her. "Oh Jack! I knew you'd come!" she said starting to smile as he came closer and closer.

As they reached each other she threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. It was the best feeling she had ever felt. She kissed his lips, pressing hers hard against his; and then it was cold. His body felt ice cold, and hard. She opened her eyes and her face twisted in to a horrified silent scream. He was frozen solid like a statue. She gasped, jumping back with her hands over her open mouth. He was a block of ice, just as Anna had been when her heart was frozen.

This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be real. What had she done? How had this happened? "No, no, no!" she cried reaching to to him grabbing his frozen face. As soon as her hands cupped his frozen face she heard a crack. His frozen body began to split, the cracks spidering our across his frozen body. Then he crumbled in to a million pieces on the frozen sea.

She was starring down. Looking at the pile of what was once Jack at her feet. She could feel her heart in her ears. Her body was shaking, and her eyes were wide open. Then she was screaming. "No!" she cried, letting out a gut-wrenching scream as she dropped to her knees, grabbing pieces of ice in her hands. She sobbed, harder than she ever had. Tears streaming down her face, she was gasping for air. She thought she would faint. She was sobbing so hard she barely heard a voice cry, "Elsa!"

She looked up, recognizing the voice. This couldn't be happening. Through her blurry eyes she could just see Jack standing a few feet from her. He was alive, he was whole again, the way he should be. What was going on? She looked at the pieces off ice all around her and then back up at him. "Jack?" she asked struggling to get back to her feet. He smiled, "Elsa!" he cried again. She didn't understand what was happening but he was alive in front of her and she needed him. She took off towards him, leaving the broken pieces behind her.

A wind picked up out of no where, like a blizzard had just blown in. The wind was blowing so hard she could hardly keep on her feet. It was like they were on the frozen fjord in Arendelle all over again. Her dress and hair wiped about her wildly and snow began to fall, dancing crazily through the wind so she could barely see. "Jack!" she called out to him but he didn't answer. She could see him just ahead reaching out to her. She reached for him, wanting him to pull her in to his arms, but as she did a great wind blew and Jack turned in to nothing but snowflakes and blew away.

"Jack!" she screamed watching the wind carry him away. "No! Why are you doing this to me?" she cried out in to the sky, her words broken up by involuntary sobs. "Stop torturing me!" She yelled in to the storm and it echoed across the frozen sea. Her hands were lost in her hair, her eyes shut tight. Her heart was racing so fast she thought it would explode when suddenly she heard a voice through the storm call out "Elsa!" once more she'd had enough.

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