Chapter 31

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Anna's shrill scream woke Jack from his daze as he watched her collapse in to Kristoff's arms. "No, no that can't be." Tooth gasped covering her mouth. Sandy shook his head sadly as he covered his face. EB and North exchanged looks but said nothing. "That can't be. It can't be." Jack said over and over.

"You said you would save her, how could you let this happen!" Anna screamed as Kristoff tried to hold her back. If Olaff could cry he would have, his face was the saddest Jack had ever seen. "I, I, we have get back to Elsa!" Jack cried scrambling to get out of bed.

"Jack, Elsa is-" North started but Jack stopped him, "You don't know that! We have to get back to her." He said shaking his head. Ombric shook his head sadly and said, "Jack, Katherine has never been wrong." But Jack wouldn't listen. "Can you get us back to Arendelle quickly or not?" Jack said defiantly grabbing his staff off the bed.

Ombric let out a sigh and said, "Yes, you can take my mirror." Everyone exchanged confused looks as they didn't understand how a mirror could be transportation, but Ombric ignored them and walked over to a tall purple sheet. He pulled it down and underneath it was a large looking glass.

"You look in to it. Think about where you want to go and you'll see it. Then you simply step through." He said easy enough. "Let's go." Jack said running over the mirror. He looked in and saw his reflection, and the reflection of the group who had not moved. He turned around and stared at them.

"Come on! Elsa is on the other side of this glass. If there is any chance, if there is any way..." he stuggled to get the words out. He couldn't speak the words allowed. EB walked over and placed his hand on his shoulder. "I'll go mate." He said with a nod. North followed standing by EB. "Me too." He said crossing his arms across his chest. "Us too." Said Tooth flying over with Sandy behind her.

Jack looked through them and over to Anna who was still in the arms of Kristoff. Her face was streaked with tears and she looked so weak she could hardly stand. Kristoff kissed her temple and whispered something in her ear. She let out a sob, but then nodded. Hand in hand they made their way to the mirror with Olaff trailing behind them. "Let's go see Elsa." Olaff said sadly.

"What about the Dwarves?" North said suddenly. Ombric waved a dismissive hand. "Don't worry about the Dwarves, I'll deal with them." He said walking over to a drawer he opened it and pulled out a large rams horn. "Take this, when you need them blow this, they'll find you." He said handing the horn to North. He nodded and tucked the horn away in his coat. "Thank you Ombric." Jack said with a nod before turning back to the mirror.

He took a deep breath and one last look at the group behind him before he closed his eyes and thought of Elsa's room in Arendelle. When he opened his eyes he was shocked to see that the mirror had worked and he was looking in to Elsa's room. She was lying there on the bed, just like they had left her.

"Elsa!" he cried and charged through the mirror. They all stumbled through it like a herd of wild animals, falling in to the room back in Arendelle. "I can't believe it worked!" EB said amazed as he looked around. Jack didn't care what the room looked like, all he saw was Elsa.

"Elsa, Elsa!" he cried running to her side he climbed on to her bed and over to her. "Is she alive, is she awake?!" Anna cried running to her bedside. Jack grabbed Elsa by her shoulders and gave her a gentle shake. "Elsa, Elsa, wake up!" He said shaking her a little harder, but she didn't wake.

"Oh no." Anna sobbed as she sank down at Elsa's side. Elsa was limp, her eyes closed, she was gone. "This can't be." Jack choked out as tears ran down his face. Anna took Elsa's hand in to hers and held it to her face as she wept. "I'm so sorry." Jack said as he looked from Elsa to Anna, but she said nothing. He put his head in his hands as he let the tears fall freely.

Sandy put a comforting hand on his back and patted it. Then Tooth did the same, then EB, and lastly North. He had never felt so alone in all his life. The most precious thing he had was gone, and he wasn't sure he could live with out her. Until this moment, he had never been able to feel the cold, and now it was all he could feel.

They all sat there in silence, the only sound was the sound of Anna's sobs. He had lost all sense of time. He wasn't sure if it had been hours or only minutes. He could hardly bring himself to look at Elsa's corpse. When he thought he could no longer bear to hear Anna's sobs, she suddenly gasped.

He looked up and saw what Anna was seeing; the full moon outside the window was shining in directly on Elsa, who had begun to sparkle. She body was illuminated like freshly fallen snow and as they watched her, she began to rise.

Anna gasped and let go of her sister's hand. Stumbling back in to the arms of Kristoff she back away from the bed. Elsa's body lifted off the bed slowly, inch by inch until she was vertical, her feet hovering just a few inches from the bed.

"What is happening?" EB said looking around for any sign of danger. North looked out the window and too the full moon. "Manny, what are you doing?" he asked curiously, looking back to Elsa. For a moment she just hung there in the air like a beautiful star and then, her pale blue eyes opened.

Everyone in the room gasped as Elsa's eyes opened, she took a deep breath, and was brought back to life. "Elsa!" Anna cried as Elsa's skin began to return to its normal color and he feet landed softly on the bed. She dropped to her knees and Anna raced to her and threw her arms around her.

"You're alive, you're alive!" she cried hugging her tight as happy tears now fell from her eyes. "I missed you so much." Elsa said holding her sister even tighter. "I can't believe this. How? Who?" Anna stuttered as she released Elsa. Elsa looked past her and out the window. "My father woke me." She said softly.

Everyone seemed even more shocked and confused now. "You knew all this time?" Anna asked in disbelief, but Elsa shook her head, I only just remembered, while I was...asleep." She said not wanting to say the word dead. "I know everything now." She said with much clarity.

She turned her eyes from her sister and on to Jack. He was standing there in shock. He had so many emotions inside of him he could hardly speak. He was so happy she was alive, but he had been so devastated that she was dead, now he wasn't sure what she was.

"Jack." She said softly, and he crumbled. He bounded across the room and took her in to his arms. He cradled her head in his hand as he held her so tight her though they would fuse together. "I love you so much." He sobbed burying his face in to her hair. "I love you too." She said a tear running down her cheek.

He kissed her lips softly, and then it gave way to the most passionate kiss he had ever given her. When they parted she smiled and he was rebuilt a little. "You came for me." She said with a smile as he wiped her tear away. "I will always come for you." He said kissing her forehead. "You saved my life." He whispered his eyes still sparkling with tears. "There is no life with out you." She said softly brushing his hair from his face.

He kissed her again, and again before he realized they were not the only two in the room. He released her and she turned to face the rest of the group. "I know what Pitch is plotting, and I know what we have to do." She said seriously. The group looked surprised, but intrigued.

"How do you know?" North asked raising an inquisitive brow. She looked to the window once more, and out at the full moon before her pale pink lips parted and she spook these cryptic words, "My father told me. I know when Pitch is coming for us, and when he does, he's all mine."...

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