Chapter 28

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"This isn't going to hurt him is it?" Anna said nervously as she watched Jack climb on to the bed and lay down. Kristoff put his arm around her and said, "I'm sure Jack can handle it, isn't that right?" giving Jack a wink. Ombric paused, and then shook his head, "No, as easy as falling asleep." He said with a half certain smile.

"Are you sure you want to do this Jack?" North said, knowing what his answer would be. "I have to do this." Jack said confidently laying back on the pillow. "Good luck mate." EB said giving him a friendly nod. "If anything happens, and you do not wake up soon, I am going in after you." North said authoritatively, and Jack knew better than to argue. "Agreed." He said with a smile.

He took a deep breath and let it out slow. He was not sure what he was going to find in this nightmare land, but he knew at he wouldn't leave with out Elsa. "I'm ready." He said looking up to Ombric and Katherine.

"Oh be careful Jack." Tooth said nervously as she touched his shoulder. He nodded to her. "Don't worry, I'm going to find Elsa and we're both going to wake up." He said with a smile, trying to convince himself as well. She nodded and Sandy made his way to his bedside. He patted Jack on the shoulder and then gave him a thumbs up.

"Jack, remember that nothing in this world is real, but everything in it will try and test you. You must be brave. Do not forget your mission or you'll be lead astray and never wake. Wherever Elsa is, she's been tested too do not forget that, approach her with caution." She said in warning. "This locket will be the key." She said cryptically as she patted his chest. He nodded to her, not fully understanding her words, but he trusted her and that was enough or him.

"All right, sweet dreams....well..." Ombric stumbled, realizing it would not be sweet dreams that were waiting for Jack. Before Jack could respond he felt Sandy's dream sand begin to fall over him, and his eyelids were growing heavy. Ombric used his power to intensify the sand with dark magic and attempted to replicate that process Pitch had to create nightmare sand. The gold sand began to change, darker and darker, as the world around Jack also began to grow dark, until he was asleep.

His eyes suddenly shot open, and he sat upright. "Sandy it didn't work!" He started to say when his voice gave out. "Who's Sandy?" asked a tiny familiar voice from the edge of his bed. Jack couldn't find his voice to speak, but only stared at his sister Sarah. He could hardly believe what he was seeing. She was just as he remembered her.

Her shoulder length brown hair was pushed over her right eye, and she had the same goofy smile as she looked up at him with her big brown eyes. "Jack, who's Sandy?" she asked him again. She leaned her head on her hand curiously and looked up at him like she was ready for him to tell her a story.

He voice was bubbling up in his throat and he finally grabbed hold of it. "Sarah?" he stuttered his eyes still wide. Her smile faded as a confused look took its place. "Yes silly, I'm Sarah, but who is Sandy?" she asked a third time a little exasperated. This couldn't be happening, could it? He looked around at his bedroom. It was just like he remembered. Everything was in its place.

"Jack!" Sarah said impatiently, but he said nothing instead jumping out of bed and scooping her up in to his arms. He held her tight, hugging her, she was real, and he could feel her. She laughed as he spun her around. "What are you doing?" she giggled as he pulled her back in to a hug. "Oh Sarah, I've missed you so much! I never thought I'd see you again!" he cried letting her go and staring at her. "You are so silly. You have only been sleeping." She said poking his nose.

He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, and touched the small beauty mark by her right eye. He pulled her in to a hug again, never wanting to let her go. "Jack!" she laughed pushing him away. "You've been sleeping all day, let's go and play!" she cried jumping up and down.

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