Chapter 33

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The hour was growing late, but none of them wanted to sleep that night. They were so enveloped in Elsa's story that they wanted to know more. They had sat around for hours talking about plans and strategies.

They had dinner again together, like the blended family they were. Everything felt right in the world now that Elsa was back. The servants were over joyed and prepared a large feast. Elsa arranged to meet with the townspeople tomorrow at midday, and sent a messenger in to the village to alert all the people.

They could have stayed up all night preparing her speech, but she told them that despite the fact she had been sleeping for several days, she was tired and need to rest.

Anna would not leave her sister's side until she agreed to allow two armed guards to stand outside her bedchamber while she slept. "Anna don't be silly I am safe now." Elsa protested. "I don't want to take any chances Elsa." Anna said firmly. Elsa eventually agreed, to please her sister, and they said their goodnights.

After everyone headed off to bed, Jack walked Elsa to her bedchambers. She asked him inside, and he happily agreed. He didn't want to be away from her, not even for a moment.

Jack went to the window to draw the curtains for her, but she stopped him. "No, please leave them open. I'd like to see the moonlight." She said with a smile as she looked out at the full moon outside her window.

"Do you miss him?" he asked her, looking from the full moon to her. She nodded slowly, "I lived my whole life unaware that I had such an extensive past, now that I know, it's a lot to process; a lot to miss." She said.

"You've traveled through space and time. I can't even imagine." Jack said opening the curtains wider for her. "Until a few hours ago, neither could have I." she said with a laugh. "It's almost like a dream." She said honestly. "I just hope that Anna can understand. That she doesn't see me differently now." Elsa said a little worry on her face. "Anna loves you Elsa, no matter where you came from. You're her best friend." Jack said with a confidently smile.

"Thank you Jack." She said with a smile, tucking a piece of stray of hair behind her ear. "I'm not sure I could have crash landed in a better place than Arendelle." She said as she sank down on to the bed and let out a soft sigh.

Jack stood there, just a few feet from here, unsure of what to do. These last few days had been the hardest he had ever endured, and now that she was back he was elated, but he was also afraid. He had failed to protect her once; he couldn't bear the thought of losing her again.

She looked up at him, as if she was about to say something, but Jack's actions stopped her. He took a few steps closer to her and then dropped to his knees, and laid his head in her lap.

She stoked his soft white hair delicately as Jack wrapped his arms around her body. "It's alright Jack. I'm here." She said quietly. He looked up at her, his blue eyes wet with tears. "I love you so much Elsa. When I thought I had lost you. I'm not even sure there is a unit large enough to measure how empty I felt." He said trying to sound strong though he was choking back tears.

"A part of me wanted to stay up there, in that land in between worlds, with my father; but what's an eternity with out you in it?" She said with a smile touching his cheek.

Jack smiled too and kissed her hand as it brushed across his lips, then a thought struck him. "So, when he sent you back, it was like when he woke me from the pond...are you..." he started but trailed off.

Elsa nodded, "Yes Jack, I'm like you now. Please don't say anything to Anna yet. I don't know how to tell her." She said with some concern. Jack's heart was racing he thought it would explode. "We can be together now." He said in realization.

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