Chapter 21

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She wasn't sure how long she'd slept, but the feeling of someone's hand on her face woke her, and her eyes opened wide in fright. She grabbed the hand away from her face and heard the sound of a familiar voice, her sister. "Oh Elsa, you're awake!" she cried throwing herself across her chest. She was confused and only laid there as Anna wept happily.

"Where am I?" Elsa said slowly and Anna suddenly sat up, a puzzled look on her face. "You're at home Silly. That bump on the head must have really scrambled you." She said letting her puzzled look fade in to a smile. Elsa looked around and was shocked to see that she was in her room, but how could that be. She sat up slowly and Anna hugged her again.

"Do you feel like getting up? I'm sure everyone would love to see you." She said rising from the bed and offering her hand. "Where is Jack?" she asked looking around, surprised that he wasn't at her bedside. Anna sank back down again, a returning look on her face. "Jack? Who is Jack?" she asked tilting her head like a confused animal. Now Elsa really was baffled. "Anna be serious. Jack. You know Jack. Where is he?" she asked pushing the covers off her and climbing out of bed.

"Elsa, I don't know any Jack. You must be confused from the fall." Anna said rising from the bed and going to her, grabbing her by the arms. "What fall?" Elsa asked starting to become agitated at the lack of information Anna was giving her. "Elsa, we were ice skating just last night. You slipped and hit your head on the courtyard fountain. You were unconscious all night and just woke up this morning." Anna said with a worried expression on her face.

Elsa shook her head. "No that can't be. I was addressing the townspeople. Pitch did this to me." Said voice quick and her mind reeling trying to remember exactly what happened before she blacked out. "Where is Jack? He was there, so were you. You were all there!" She said twisting from her sisters grasp and heading towards the door. "Elsa! There is no Jack and I don't even know what a Pitch is! You're confused. You must have dreamt it!" Anna cried grabbing her sisters arm to stop her from going out the door.

"You need to lie back down, you aren't well." She said to her trying to calm her down, but Elsa's eyes were wild and he heart was racing. She had no idea what was going on. "Anna, why don't you remember. You were there. With North, and the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy was there, and Sandy the Sandman. How do you not remember it just happened!" Elsa rambled shaking her sisters shoulders.

"Oh Elsa..." Anna whispered shaking her head as she starred at her seemingly crazy sister. "This was all a dream Elsa, do you hear me? There is no Tooth Fairy or Easter Bunny here, and there never was a Jack. You hit your head and you've been sleeping for almost a day. You must have dreamt all of this. Do you hear me? It was all a dream." She said to her slowly trying to make her understand.

Elsa couldn't comprehend. She couldn't say or do anything but stand there, eyes wide, mouth shut tight. It couldn't have all been a dream. Could it? No, certainly not. She had felt him, held him, kissed him. He was real. They were all real. Weren't they? They had to be. She let her sister guide her back to the bed and she sat down. "Now you need to rest here. They down until you feel better ok?" she said to her as Elsa complied, lying back on the pillow. "I'll come check on you soon." Anna said squeezing her hand before walking out the door and closing it tight.

Elsa lay there, motionless, starring up at the canopy above her head. It couldn't all be a dream, could it? It had seemed so real. She remembered them all so vividly. She could even remember the feeling of flying. The way his lips felt on hers. They had all been so real to her. "Am I going crazy?" she whispered out loud in to the darkness. She let her eyes flutter close for a moment, until once again they sprang open at the feeling of a bump under her bed.

She lay there for a moment, trying to convince herself it was all in her head, when she felt it again. "Jack?" she asked leaning forward and crawling towards the edge of the bed. "Jack is that you?" she asked irrationally. She leaned forward slowly and lowered her head off the end of the bed. Picking up the bed skirt she looked under in to the darkness.

Suddenly two yellow eyes opened and then a face appeared, Pitch's face. "Boo!" he cried and Elsa let out a scream. When she opened her eyes she was again on the frozen sea but this time she wasn't alone. Standing before her in a robe composed of children's fear, stood the Nightmare King himself, Pitch Black...

Hey I'm sorry but I don't wanna sleep so I creat a NEW chapter!

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