Chapter 2

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What had he just seen? He watched Elsa disappear in to the woods but he did not follow. Was the Queen, like him? No, it couldn't be, but what else could explain it? She used no wand, no staff, as he did. The power emanated from her, from her own hand. He would be lying if he said he was not both curious, and impressed.

He stretched out a finger and touched one of the spikes, but quickly retracted his hand. "Sharp." He mumbled looking at them. This was powerful magic. He had truthfully never seen anything like it. All of the last few minutes had confused him and he needed to sort them out. He sat down on the frozen lake and looked up at the moon.

He was silent for a moment, studying it as if the face of an old friend. It's like shone down on him and illuminated his skin, hair, and pale blue yes. Then he spoke out in to the night, his voice echoing through out the dark woods, the only sound that could be heard. "Did you send her here? Is she like me?" he asked, but got no response. He had lived a very long time with out meeting someone who could see him, let alone perform magic in the manner he could. He laid back, arms under his head, and looked up at the moon in thought.

As confused as he was he could not help but admit he some what enjoyed it. He could not remember the last time he had a conversation with someone, as specially someone as lovely as her. She looked like some sort of ornate snow flake, or ice queen. Her skin as fair as fresh fallen snow, and her eyes sparkled brighter than the moonlight on the mountain side. A smile spread across his lips as he closed his eyes and replayed their conversation in his mind.

After some time his mind grew tired and his eyes heavy as he replayed the encounter over and over. He took one last look at the moon, as his lips moved to mouth the word "Thank you." He closed his pale blue eyes once again letting the Sandman take him. He drifted off to sleep where he dreamed warm dreams or Elsa.

As she woke the next morning she regretted letting the wind take her cape. She had slept under a tree that night and ended up covered in snow. "This won't do another night." She said shaking off the snow as she stood. If she was going to live out here in the woods she would need a proper house. The day was warm and the sun bright. She was thankful for that, but she also knew that if anyone were hunting her, today would be the day.

Stepping out in to the sunlight she decided there would be not better place than here to build her home. She was not sure what she could do with this power, but she didn't know a better place to try. She let her mind wander, picturing a tall ice tower were she could protect herself and see the enemy coming from a mile away. Picking up her right foot she stomped on the snow, and from under her foot ice began to spread.

It formed a large snowflake on the ground and her eyes shimmered with excitement. What ever she thought she could create! Lifting her hands toward the sky the snowflake began to grow out of the ground. Icy pillars lifted it off the ground as it grew to great height. With a wave of her hand walls and windows appeared. Another wave and a ceiling began to creep across the sky. She was building her dream home out of the ice she thought would once destroy her.

In a few minutes she had erected an ice castle on the side of the mountain, complete with ballroom, staircase, and chandelier. She was so amazed by her power that it hardly scared her anymore. She looked down at her dress, the one she had worn at her coronation. She was no longer the Queen of Arendelle, she was the Queen of this castle. As she concentrated on her dress it began to melt away and was replaced by a stunning blue shimmering dress. A long snowflake train hung from her shoulders and spilled out over the floor. For the first time in her life, she felt like she belonged.

The only thing missing in her new perfect life was Anna. As she walked out on to the balcony she looked towards Arendelle, nothing but a small grey outline now. She new she could never go back, but it pained her to think of Anna there all alone, although, she had always sort of been alone. She wondered if search parties had been dispersed for her, or if they were so afraid of her that they would stay away?

It wasn't fair the way their lives had turned out. This power she had seemed to be born with, had torn her family apart. She could not even attend her parents' funeral with out fear her emotional state would be compromised and her powers would be revealed. The harder she tried to contain them, the more powerful they became. "Be the good girl you always have to be." she mumbled as she looked out over the horizon. As day gave way to night she found herself still on the balcony, now looking up at the full moon and she wondered if Jack was looking at it too...

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