Chapter 26

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The morning couldn't have come fast enough. Jack had been awake for hours sitting on his bed waiting for the sound of the others stirring. Being underground made it hard for him to know what time of day it was. He was sitting there staring at the locket when he heard a knock at the door. He jumped off the bed and ran to the door and opened it. "Are you ready?" North asked, his large frame filling the doorway. Jack nodded, snapped the locket shut, and then tucked it away in his shirt.

They all looked at themselves again in their freshly laundered clothes as they gathered in the main hall. The King was once again on his throne, scepter in hand. "Godrick will escort you all through the tunnels and out on to the other side. There you will find the entrance to Santoff Claussen." The King said, his voice echoing through the long empty stone hall. North bowed to him once more. "Thank you, your majesty we are in your debt." North said rising from his bow. The King smiled and said, "And that debt will be paid when Pitch is defeated." And North crossed his arm across his chest. "On my honor." North added and with that they were off.

The trip through the tunnels was much faster than Jack would have thought. The tunnels were dimly lit and small, do to the fact they were meant for people no more than four feet high. Most of them had to bend down very low to keep from scraping themselves against the stone ceiling, and poor North had to crawl. "How much further!" he grumbled as he crawled on his hands and feet. Godrick had to keep from laughing when he answered, "No more than a mile." And North growled.

Half an hour later they could see light up ahead and Jack's heart began to swell with excitement. They would be in Santoff Claussen soon and another step closer to waking Elsa. As they got closer and closer to the mouth of the tunnel everyone began to cheer. "Finally!" EB cried as they all poured out of the tunnel and they all took deep breaths of fresh air. "Thank you Godrick!" Anna said happily hugging him, which he looked very surprised by; a bit uncomfortable. He mumbled something and then disappeared back in to the tunnel with out a goodbye.

"I don't see an entrance?" Kristoff said staring in to what looked like an empty field. "Yeah mate where is it?" EB said walking up behind Kristoff and staring at the same empty field. North only smiled and shook his head. "I told you, magic." He said as he walked forward in to the empty field and disappeared. They all looked at each other surprised and a little afraid, but they couldn't stand behind and wait. "Ready or not!" EB cried as he ran after North and also disappeared. Kristoff took Anna's hand, and she took Olaf's and they too walked in to the field and disappeared. "Well, let's go." Jack said and Tooth, Sandy, and Jack all followed, disappearing in to the field.

When he stepped through the magic portal it was like his eyes were opened for the first time. Besides Elsa, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. It was like no world he had ever even dreamed of. They had all been transported to a beautiful forest; unlike any they had ever beheld. The trees were tall, with high canopies, flowered vines hanging down. There was moss all over the ground, and flowers growing out of every bush. The sound of a rushing waterfall could be heard and animals calling. The colors were so rich and vibrant it was if these colors were what color was truly supposed to look like.

The most impressive part of the whole scene was standing right before them; the most enormous tree they had ever seen. It had to be half a mile wide and at least a mile high. The branches were winding up towards the sky and the treetop could barely be seen by the human eye. "Wow." Anna gasped as she stared at it wide eyed. "This is amazing!" Tooth said awestruck by it. "This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen." EB said his mouth agape. "Welcome to Santoff Claussen." North said with a smile as he stared at the large tree.

They all made their way towards the large tree, which North told them was where Ombric, and all the creatures of Santoff Claussen lived. This place was full of unusual creatures. There were birds as large as horses and horses as small as dogs. They were all unnatural colors and some of the animals looked as if they were two animals mixed together; like the turtle they saw flying through the sky like a bird. "This place is crazy." Kristoff said ducking out of the way to miss the flying turtle. "Everything in this place was thought up and created by Ombric, and his daughter Katherine." North said as they approached the base of the tree. There were stairs on the outside of the tree and at the base of the tree there stood a very tall very thin man who looked as if he had been stretched like taffy.

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