Chapter 13

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As she laid in bed that night she hardly slept at all. She tossed and turned at every sound; her mind full of worry. When she finally did slip in to sleep it was plagued with nightmares.

The whole town was frozen. Shards of black ice spikes littered the town and people coward in fear. Dark shadows were cast all over the city and an eerie voice could be heard echoing through out the streets. "What goes together better than cold and dark?"

It was her scream that woke her. Sitting upright she clutched her chest. "Elsa!" Jack cried bursting through her door. She looked to him, her eyes were wild with fear. He ran to her side and sank down on to her bed. "Are you alright? What's wrong?" he asked pulling her in to his arms.

He could feel her nodding against his chest as she said, "Yes I'm ok it was only a bad dream. It was just a nightmare." She said trying to convince herself as well. But this did not satisfy Jack. He knew were there were nightmares, Pitch would not be far behind.

"The whole town was frozen again, but different this time. There was black ice everywhere, and these shadows, and worst of all was this voice, this horrible haunting voice." He said looking up at him. "What did the voice say?" Jack asked her, brushing a strand of hair from her face.

"It kept saying, "What goes together better than cold and dark?" she said and at her words Jack's heart sank. It was the same question Pitch had asked Jack, before he found his memories. The black ice, it was the same Pitch and Jack had created when they fought.

Elsa's fear, her devote town of believers, and most importantly her impressive power, it was exactly what Pitch needed to make people believe in him again, to become more powerful than ever. He kissed her forehead, "It was only a dream." He whispered and she nodded.

He left her to get ready and headed straight down the hall towards the room EB and North were staying in. He wasted no time knocking and just barged right it. "I know Pitch's plan." He announced loudly. His voice woke EB with a start as he sat up quickly drawing a boomerang.

"Who's there? Whata ya want? I'll bail ya up good!" he said looking around wildly. North only grunted and said, "Five more minutes miliy." Jack shook his head and went over to North shaking him but he merely tried to roll away from Jack and ended up falling to the floor with a thud.

He groaned and sat up rubbing his head, "Who's there?" he mumbled then rubbed his eyes realizing it was Jack and he was on the floor. "What are you blathering about Jack. What is Pitch's plan?" EB said getting out of the bed and stretching.

"It's Elsa, it's this whole place. It's got everything he needs. The reason these people can see me. They all believe. This is a town full of believers!" Jack said a bit crazed as he ran from North to EB. "Don't you see, this is just what Pitch needs!" he said grabbing North by the suspenders.

"Calm down Jack, you're acting manic." He said picking him up by the shoulders and giving him a light shake before setting him back down. "A town full of believers aye? That would be something Pitch would be interested in." EB said rubbing his chin.

"And Elsa, he power is like mine, but much stronger. Five years ago before we defeated Pitch, he wanted me to join him. Last night he came to Elsa in her dreams. I think he means to make her join forces with him." He said not able to hide the look of worry on his face.

North stroked his beard in thought before clapping his hands together, the no custom signal to his authority or the presence of an idea. "Then we won't let her join him." He said proud of his obvious statement. EB raised an intrigued brow before shaking his head. "I'm sure Pitch isn't just gonna walk right up to her and ask her Cringle. He's gonna try and find a way to make her." He said, which Jack was also thinking.

Pitch did not play fair and he knew that he would find some way of torturing Elsa in to joining him. He did not want to let Elsa out of his sight, but he also didn't want to frighten her. He knew that if she understood the gravity of the situation she would most likely run off again, to protect everyone else, and he honestly did not blame her.

"We keep this between us." Jack said to them both. "Elsa needs our support right now, we need to be strong for her." Jack said, referring mostly to himself. They both nodded and Jack left them to get ready.

As he walked out in to the hallway something outside the window opposite him caught his eye. It was Elsa, she was out in the garden looking out in to the distance. Her hair was out of it's usual braid. It laid long an lightly curled down her back. She wore a light blue gown that he was sure matched her beautiful watched her for a moment, as she stood there unmoving; then he decided to join her.

He made his way outside quietly, a smirk spreading across his lips. He opened the palm of his hand and in it a snowball began to form. He tossed it in his hands a few times before he took aim and launched it at Elsa's back.

It hit her square between the shoulder blades and she cried out, "Hey!" Whipping around she tried to see where and whom the snowball had come from but Jack ducked behind the wall.

He had just peeked his head out to see if Elsa was coming towards him when a snowball caught him right in the face. He stumbled back a bit and wiped the snow off his face as he heard Elsa's laugh ring out.

Jack couldn't help himself as he laughed too. "Nice shot." He said wiping the last bit of snow from his eyes and looking to where she had once stood, but she was no longer there.

He looked around for her but didn't see her. Then suddenly another snowball hit him in the chest, and then another in the leg. "Hey! No fair!" he cried out with a smile looking towards where the snowballs were coming. He threw a few snowballs back in that direction, but he could not see her.

He hopped over the wall and ran towards the bush he was sure she was hiding behind. He crept up silently, wanting to take her by surprise and as he jumped behind it crying "gotcha!" he was surprised to find she wasn't back there.

Just as he was about to turn around he heard her cry out and caught a glimpse of her jumping from a low branch of a neighboring tree before she tackled him to the ground. They both laughed as he cushioned her fall and rolled out on to the grass.

"You make me feel like a child again." He said to him as she laid there on his chest. She looked up at him and he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "I like to see you smile." He said with a smile of his own. "You make me forget about all the worry, you don't know what that means to me." She said a little more serious.

"As long as I'm here, You'll never have a reason to worry again." He said genuinely. Her smile made his heart feel as if it were beating faster and slower at the same time. He had never been so happy in all his life. He rolled over, so that he was over her and pressed his lips against hers. She filled him with so much joy he thought he could float away.

His eyes searched every part of her face. He studied her so closely, he wanted to remember every perfect detail. He kissed her again and as his lips left hers she said "Promise me you'll never leave." He smiled and shook his head lightly, "Never."...

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