Chapter 22

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He woke well before the sunrise that morning. He lay there in bed, silently looking at Elsa's picture in the locket, and watching the sun come up behind it. Today they would be traveling to Santoff Claussen, and be one step closer to waking Elsa.

There was a nervous energy around the breakfast table that morning. The only person who seemed at ease was Boris, who was eating what looked to be a whole pig along with his dozen eggs and loaf of bread. He washed it all down with a tankard of ale and let out a large belch.

They were all bundled now, standing outside in front of the cabin. Anna was tying the flaps of Kristoff's hat under his chin and he was protesting. EB was shivering, in the Siberian weather, but trying to remain composed in front of the others. Boris came around the side of the cabin leading a team of 9 reindeer pulling a large black sled.

It was definitely bigger than North's sled, with room for them all to almost fit comfortably. "When you reach Santoff Claussen, you point the reindeer home and give the leader a slap on the backside. They'll come home in a hurry." Boris said patting the lead reindeer on the neck. "There is a pack in the back of the sled, it has blankets and some water in case you are cold or thirsty. I also packed some meat and bread." He said with a smile, partially masked by his beard. North nodded and he and Boris hugged.

"Thank you comrade." He said patting his bad roughly. "Safe travels old friend." Boris said back patting him just as firmly. As they all thanked Boris and said their goodbyes, Jack could feel this excitement growing inside him. He wasn't sure if it was because they were heading off to a place he had never been before, or because Elsa would soon be awake, but he could hardly keep still has he sank down in to the front bench seat of the sled.

North sat to his left, taking the reins, EB to his right, and Sandy next to him. In the back Kristoff, Anna, Olaff, and Tooth climbed. Kristoff pulled Anna close to keep her warm and Olaff tried not to make Tooth too cold.

"Everyone settled in?" North shouted and they all confirmed. "Very well! Ahhh yahh!" he yelled and the reindeer took off like they'd heard a cannon. They were speeding across the Siberian tundra; all trying to keep their faces down as not to be wind whipped. The wind did bother Jack however, and he kept his blue eyes peeled looking down the way ahead of them. Despite the circumstances they found themselves in Siberia, Jack had to admit it was a beautiful place.

"How will you know when we've reached it?" Jack cried above the sound of the roaring wind. "Trust me, you'll know." North shouted back with a slight smile. He wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or a bad thing, but either way, there was no turning back.

It felt like hours they had traveled, but the reindeer never slowed their speed. They were skating across the frozen ground, when suddenly up ahead Jack spotted what looked like a thick wooded forest. "North, we'll never be able to take this sled through that!" Jack cried pointing to the forest. He swore in Russian, but did not slow the reindeer.

"That was never here before!" he shouted angrily. They were drawing closer and closer to the forest and showed no signs of stopping. "North you've got to stop the sled!" Kristoff cried. Anna was frantically reaching for the reins but Kristoff held her back. They were only a few hundred yards away when North pulled back hard on the reins and the lead reindeer tried to slow his feet the others following suit.

The sled was barely slowing down and began to skid to the side as they slide wildly out of control towards the trees. Anna let out a scream and shut her eyes tight preparing for impact. But the impact did not come, and the sled skidded to a halt, rocking either way just before the forest. The reindeer were calling and bucking wildly. Tooth's hands were over her eyes and Sandy's eyes looked like they were about to pop from his head. "That was fun!" cried Olaff in the backseat, and Anna let out a long sigh.

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