Chapter 10

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"And a one, two, three,, two, three..." Olaff said to himself as he skated around the frozen courtyard. Anna was staying on her feet with the help of Kristoff and Sven, and Jack was twirling Elsa around the ice in his arms. The whole town was out on the frozen courtyard, skating like the had almost everyday since the city was thawed nearly a month ago.

"Oh excuse me." Jack said as he bumped in to a woman behind him. "Quite alright!" she chirped before skating off. People being able to see him was taking some getting used to. He wasn't sure if this was a gift from the Man in the Moon, or perhaps it was because Elsa wasn't afraid to show her powers anymore, that Jack was beginning to feel alive again.

They had abandoned the ice castle, and Elsa had taken her rightful place on the throne. There was a light in her eyes that Jack was sure had not been seen in some time. "Mind if I cut in?" Anna laughed skating over to them. "Not at all." Jack said offering Elsa to Anna, but instead she took Jack's hand. Kristoff laughed as he took Elsa's hand and skated her around the rink. "None of this would have happened, if it hadn't been for you Jack." Anna said with a sincere smile.

Jack could feel a smile growing across his lips as well. "I'm the lucky one." he said as he watched Elsa over Anna's shoulder. "I hope you stay with us forever Jack!" Anna said happily as she twirled away and then skated back towards Kristoff. Anna slide in between Elsa and Kristoff, and Elsa took the opportunity to skate back over to Jack.

His smiling face did not great her however. What Anna had said brought him back to a reality he had not thought of; forever. Jack would live forever, and Elsa would not. He hadn't aged since his accident, he was a guardian now, but Elsa would live a normal human life, and one day he would be with out her. "What's wrong?" she said her brows stitching together in worry as her soft pale hand touched his face snapping his attention back to the present.

"Nothing, nothing. Got lost in thought." he said shaking his head and planting a smile on his face. She pursed her lips playfully and squinted suspiciously at him, "Uh huh, thinking about what?" she inquired. He smirked and kissed her lips softly. "About you." he whispered. Her cheeks reddened as she poked him playfully in the ribs and then skated away looking over her shoulder as if she wanted him to catch her. He might not have her forever, but he was going to make the most of the time he had.

They were up late that night, all of them; Kristoff, Anna, Olaff, and Jack. Laughing and talking, sitting around the fireplace drinking hot cider. They had spend most of their nights like this, like a family. Jack was sitting on the sofa next to Elsa facing the fireplace when suddenly Anna gasped and jumped from her seat. "Elsa look!" she cried running to the window. Jack and Elsa turned to look behind them to where Anna was pointing up towards the sky. "The sky, it's awake!" Anna laughed.

Elsa laughed as she rose from the sofa. Jack's eyes grew wide as he too rose from the sofa and ran to the window. Elsa was laughing alone with Anna at their childhood memory until they both saw the look on Jack's face. "What's wrong Jack?" Elsa said touching his arm gently drawing his attention away from the window. "The lights. The Northern Lights." he said looking back towards them. Anna nodded, a giggle in her voice, "Ya silly, have you never seen them before?" she cocked a playful brow, but Jack didn't answer.

How could this be? The last time he had seen those lights it had been five years ago. He looked to Elsa, a pain in his eyes. "I have to go." he said to her. She was shocked, confused. "What do you mean you have to go?" Elsa said, and Anna echoed. "Where is he going?" Olaff called from behind the sofa. "You just got here." said Kristoff. Jack looked back out the window. "The lights are a signal. It's for me. From the guardians." he said looking back to her.

"Why would they signal you? Is something wrong?" she said, the sound of worry in her voice. He wanted to lie to her. He wanted to tell her that everything was alright, but he knew that wasn't true. They guardians wouldn't use the lights to signal him, unless something was wrong. "I'll come back. I promise." he said looking back in to her pale blue eyes. "No, take me with me. I can help." she said grabbing his arms. She was so stubborn, so strong. He almost smiled, but the idea of leaving her kept that smile off his face.

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