Chapter Sixteen - Closer

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A few days later after the talk with his sister. Taeyong came into the room and his eyes went soft with all the love he held for her. His gorgeous mate. Ri was sleeping on her bed holding her stomach.

Her skin against the candle light was beautiful. Taeyong made his way to the bed and pulled her closer to him. He whispered in her ears , " Sorry for always hurting you. I do not mean too!"

He had no clue that she was awake.

"Well , it took you long enough to apologise to me!" Ri told him as she sat up from under the pink fluffy blanket.

"Your baby is just like you. You both always hurt me without realising." She said while rubbing her stomach.

He remained silent. Suddenly she let out an amazed sound.

"What is wrong?" He finally spoke.

"The baby just moved." She said while her eyes sparkling.

He wanted to touch too but he thought she would never let him.

"Do you want to feel!" Without refusing he put his hands on her stomach feeling their child.

This was a marvelous moment for him. He could feel their baby while her hands were on top of his. Right where Taeyong's hands were the baby kicked. Ri could not stop herself from letting a lovely smile adorned face.

"You know the baby loves your voice." Taeyong said while looking into her mesmerising brown orbs.

"You can hear the baby!" Ri asked amazed.

"Yes , the baby loves everything about you." Taeyong took that opportunity to touch her lips with his. The kiss was sweet and gentle. For the first time she did not refuse.

Taeyong's pov

"Your majesty , how many years does it take to become an adult in vampire years?" Ri asked me.

"It takes two hundred years in vampire years and eighteen years in human years." I told her.

She started to tear up " So , I will not see our baby grow up."

I do not think she knows.

" No , my dear! When we got married I marked you as mine that means you will live until I die." She looked confused

" I do not understand." she said.

"Well , We vampires live for many years so I marked you. Meaning you are my woman so you live as many years as me. It is our bond." I told her.

"Oh, and what about our baby?" She looked at me.

"The baby will be also gifted with immortality." She looked thankful.

"Your majesty , will our baby be strong?" I started laughing.

" Of course , my dear!" I said smirking.

" Your majesty , can I tell you something?" She asked looking away from me.

"You may!" I said.

"I feel like I do not belong to myself." When she said that I felt guilty.

"What do you mean?" I asked Ri.

"My soul is not mine anymore. My body is not mine anymore. Before I met you I was happy and now the only thing that is keeping me happy is my baby. I may not necessarily like the way it happened but I am grateful for this blessings. I love my baby so when the baby is born , please do not take it away from me!" I will never take the baby away from her.

It is good to see her caring so much about my child. I still can not believe it. The woman I love is carrying my child. The huge bump on her stomach proves it. I am lucky to have her as mine.

"I am not that selfish! But do not forget that you are mine. How will the baby survive without you when it loves you so much?" She smiled at me. How can someone look so beautiful even without trying...

Ri's pov

My stomach really hurts at times. Well , my dear husband is the most powerful being in this world so obviously my baby is strong.

Every time I see him my heart goes boom boom. Maybe the baby is happy to see it's daddy. Maybe I am not stuck with a beast for eternity.

Who knows what can happen...

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