Chapter Nineteen - Parenthood

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The moon hung beautifully in the night sky.

Taeyong is right beside his queen. She rested against their bed. Her long washed hair hung around her pillow.

Her soft plum lips closed. Her features are more womanly from giving birth. In her arms is the little bundle of joy.

Her eyes were sparkling with the love she had for her baby. Taeyong on her other hand is simply over joyed. Happiness radiated from the bright smile adorning his face. He was beside his wife who had just given birth to his precious son. His precious heir.

Ri's pov

Giving birth is an experience that I will never forget. Nothing can compare to that experience not even hell itself.

I am very glad that Taeyong was there to hold my hand. It kept me very clam. With him there I felt safe. I felt like pain was going to end and everything was going to be alright.

I have no idea why I feel this way about him. What is he doing to me?

Taeyong's pov

Being with her makes me happy. Now we have a family together and I will do anything to protect my woman and my son. The two most important people in my life.

We decided to name our son Taejin. Why did we chose Taejin? My name also starts with Tae. He is my son so jin stands for Junior.

Taejin is a pure full breed vampire. He is a first blood like myself. First bloods are original founders of this powerful race. We are much higher than regular vampires.

We can control all of the night creatures such as bats, wolves etc. He will have my manly physical features. But I know he will be kind like his mother.

"My son is the most handsome vampire ever." Said Ri smiling at me.

"Well , he gets it from his father!" I replied smirking at her.

She ignores me but is paying attention to my son. I have to admit that makes me jealous. She spoke sweet words to him as his lips graced his forehead. Making him laugh and smile at his mother.

He really has her precious smile. She looks so happy while playing with him. Suddenly he cried out to her.

Ri knew he wanted milk because his tiny hands were just above her breast. She pulled down her strap exposing her flawless skin.

The sight of her round big breast turned me on. She blushed when she caught me looking at her. I love it when she gets flushed.

She pulled Taejin closer to her so he can have his milk to grow up strong to be a strong vampire. I moved closer to her and pushed her hair to the side.

She looked so ravishing I could not resist myself from touching her. I started kissing her neck. She moaned softly trying not to disturb Taejin from drinking milk.

Her body is just so soft. I slowly bite her leaving marks my on her neck.

"Your majesty  , please stop!" Uhmmm let me think no.

I do not want to stop. Stop baby don't stop. But I have to control myself.

With much difficulty I pushed myself away from her. She just gave birth. Her body needs time to rest. I can not be selfish.

" I am sorry. I will be back soon." I told her.

I need to take a walk to distract myself from her. I can not get the images of her body out of my head. Her beauty really haunts my thoughts.

After what seemed like hours of thinking I decided to go back to our home. I knew she would be asleep by now.

I walked into the room expecting to see her asleep with Taejin in her hands. I expected to them embracing each other. She would never let go of his small form. I expected to see her beautiful face that drives my insane.

Instead of seeing the two people I care about the most. When I walk through the door my presence was greeted with cold air and darkness. I was met with nothing. Not beautiful wife or precious son.

Someone took them that I am sure. When I find that person and they will wish they were never born.

I will get you two back. That I promise.

His Beauty Queen / NCT Lee Taeyong Where stories live. Discover now