Chapter Eighteen - Birth

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The world was at panic. Their queen was now in labour. The castle was in lock down. No one enters or leaves till the child is born.

The mighty king Taeyong will have an heir to this throne. His powerful bloodline will exist even after his death.

The evil out there will plan to attack. So every living creature needs to protect the royal family. The guards were double.

Taeyong was on the look out trying to pacify his beautiful wife. The mid wifes were attending to her. Her face was painted with the look horrific pain.

She is only human. The child that is in her womb is not. Imagine trying to birth a child with supernatural powers. Hard right.

Her hair was messy all over the pillow. The fragile body was covered with the sheet. Taeyong was holding her hand. He was scared of all the possibilities. The baby might break her. One of them could get hurt.

He did not want to lose either of them. He hoped everything would go well or someone would lose their head.

Ri's pov

Baby please come out fast. I want to see you my dear! I said in my mind. The pain was excruciating. I just want to go back home. I want to see my family. I wonder how they are doing.

"Your majesty! This is all your fault." I screamed at him.

"If I never came here I would not be in this pain. This is all your fault. If I never met you I would be happy and free." He looked at me smirking.

"Well you really enjoyed the time we had. The you are bearing proves it sweetheart " He is really pissing me off.

I am far to young to be in this position. Taeyong this is your fault. It is just a few more hours my baby till I can be with you.

You are the child of my body. You are the flesh of my soul. I love you my baby. Be good so mummy can have you quicker. I thought in my mind while rubbing my stomach.

Taeyong's pov

Finally the time I awaited for  is happening. I finally get to see my child. My woman is about to give birth to my child. The contractions starts meaning the baby is coming soon.

We waited until it was finally time. All I could smell was blood , sweat and tears. Ri's cries of pain were torturing me poor soul.

Child birth is one of the most painful moments in a woman's life. She was breathing heavy with the mid wifes telling her to push. She was trying really hard. I could already smell my child from here.

I took Ri's hands in mine and told her that she is doing well. For the many hours my wife is labour her screams are torture to me. Her face is red. Lips are parted. Her hair is hanging messily on her shoulders. To me she is the most beautiful woman in the world. No matter what she looks like.

Finally one mid wife announced that she sees a head.

"Push! My lady push!" Yelled the mid wife.

Ri knows if something goes wrong the baby can lose its life.The scent of her tears hung strong in the air making my heart ache.

End of Taeyong's pov

The castle is now cold. The mighty king's subjects can feel the powerful aura of something that matches their King's deadly one.

The sound of a baby crying echoed all the around the castle. The heir was born. The next ruler of all Taeyong owns. His precious baby.

The new generation of the night clan vampires was born.

Little did Taeyong and Ri know.

A new chapter of their lives are unlocked.

His Beauty Queen / NCT Lee Taeyong Where stories live. Discover now