I Have A Family

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The Lion And His Lioness -- A Hamilton Fanfiction
Chapter 2 - I Have A Family

I was walking through the town of Mount Vernon when I heard a crash come from an alleyway. Mind racing with theories, I cautiously stepped towards the entrance of the alley. Stupid, I know, but I was worried. What if this was a young child? If I only knew.

Shaking that thought from my head, I walked closer to see what I thought was a baby, they looked like they were a new-born baby, laying on the floor unconscious. I felt something tighten in my chest, I felt as if I had to protect her against everything impure about this world. Was I having a heart attack? A panic attack? Why did I suddenly get this feeling upon seeing the small baby?

Pushing the feeling aside, I walked closer and knelt down next to the baby and gently brushed some of the dirt off her small face. She was pale, but not a deathly pale, not the type of pale you get when you haven't gone out into the sun for a long time. No, she was the type of pale you get when your cold but not when your freezing, gaining frostbite. Her hair, or what was there of her hair, was soft and covered her head perfectly. It was the right colour of brown, a nice and rich in colour. Even though she was small, I saw great potential in this young girl. Now that I thought about it, this baby did seem a bit more on the small side than what would be considered normal...

Deciding to stop looking at the baby's face I glanced over the rest of her body, looking for any sign of injury. That's when I saw the bracelet. It was a small, crimson jewel in the middle of a rose-gold bracelet. Why did she have that bracelet? Glancing at her hand, I saw that she held a necklace tightly in her hand.

The necklace was an iron chain with two dog tags and a pastel pink pearl. The two dog tags both had writing on and were different sizes. I immediately thought that it was from her brother, thinking he had joined and lost his life on the battlefield, a noble and honourable way to journey to the other side. However, as I looked closer, I saw that it was, in fact, from her father and that I was mistaken.

The smaller dog tag said 'Love, Dad' and the longer dog tag had 'forever my PRINCESS' engraved on them. So she lost her father to the wrath of war? Or did her father walk out and asked her mother to give this to her at a certain time? Or was it just so that she didn't forget her father? Whichever one it was, I wasn't about to leave this child to die out here all alone.

I picked the baby up, my protectiveness increasing as people sent me weird looks. I get I was carrying an unconscious baby that I had found in an alleyway but, please, I'm not going to raise her just for my own enjoyment. My family is honourable enough for me to know not to raise a child just for my own enjoyment and to not take advantage of people for said enjoyments. Always ask for consent, young ones.

Anyway, once I got back to where my wife, Martha, and I dwelled, I walked to one of the spare bedrooms and gently set her down on the bed. I sent for two of our slaves, although Martha hates calling them 'slaves' and so we usually call them 'helpers'. Anyway, I sent one to go and fetch my wife, telling them to tell her it was an urgent matter, and I sent another to fetch a spare piece of clothing to dress the baby girl into.

Ten minutes later, the guest room door opened to reveal my wife in all her form and glory. "George, one of the helpers told me that you needed me and that it was urgent. Whatever is the matter, dear?" She asked, worry evident in her features.

"Martha, my dear, it is good to see you doing well. I wished to see you because, as the helper that fetched you said, I have an urgent matter to discuss with you." I replied, not allowing my wife to see the bed where the baby lay.

"What is it, George?" She asked. I could tell she was getting irritated as I prolonged the inevitable.

Bracing myself for what she was going to say, (My wife is scary when she's angry, alright?) I took a deep breath and decided to try and hint at the topic with a different type of question. "How would you like to have another daughter, dear?"

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