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The Lion And His Lioness -- A Hamilton Fanfiction

I watched as my wife clenched her fists tightly as another contraction coursed through her body. Angelica was at her bedside, along with Doctor David Hosack. We - meaning George, John, Philip, Little Lilli, and I - watched in anticipation as a baby's cry was heard, followed by a second baby's cry. "Twins!" Angelica exclaimed, giving Rena's hand a tight squeeze.

Smiling with tears in my eyes, I knelt beside the bed even though she couldn't see me. Looking down at the baby boy in Rena's tired arms, I saw the resemblances between the two of us; he had my brown hair, but Rena's beautiful hazel eyes. "He's beautiful," I whispered, kissing the top of Rena's head in hopes she would feel it even though I knew she wouldn't. I was dead, she was alive.

"What are you going to name them, Ezme?" Angelica asked, holding the baby girl in her arms with my father-in-law, George Washington, behind her. Rena hummed in thought, smiling as our youngest son's beautiful hazel eyes looked up at his mother's practically identical ones.

"I was thinking that this little one could be George Alexander and the little girl could be Maria Esperanza?" Rena replied, smiling at the names. My heart stopped immediately at the sound of our new born daughter's name; Maria Esperanza. She... Rena was willing to name our daughter after the woman I had my affair with? She... I smiled again. Rena really was the most forgiving woman I had ever met in my entire life.

"I agree, I think Alex and George will like the names," Angelica replied, gently handing Maria Esperanza Hamilton over to her god sister. I knew then and there that Angelica would be there to protect my wife, and my children, no matter the cost.

It had been fifty-six years since the fatal day that Alexander died. I was now one week short of my 100th birthday and I was planning on spending it with my children, grandchildren, and the children I had helped to raise at the orphanage. Maria and George had grown up into beautiful people. Both were kind and compassionate, however George had his father's tendency of writing like he was running out of time.

"Ma?" George asked, sitting on the edge of my bed. I smiled weakly up at him, knowing my time was coming soon. Seeing this, George gently grabbed my hand. "Ma, it's okay. You don't have to wait until your a hundred, you can go now if you want. We'll be fine, Ma. It won't be too long until we see you again, anyway!"

"George," I rasped, voice weak with age, "Thank you, my son. You look more and more like... your father everyday." George smiled, kissing my forehead before gently pulling the covers up to my chest. "I love you, Georgie."

"I love you too Ma," George replied. It was hard to think about, really. Only George, Little Phil, AJ, James, and John were still alive. Philip had died in 1801, Angelica had died in 1857, William died in 1850, Lizzie died in 1859, and Maria died in 1859 as well.

Just as I was about to doze off, my other four children who were still alive entered the room with small, bittersweet smiles on their faces. George greeted his four older brothers with a nod of his head before turning to look at me once again. "Hey, Ma," AJ greeted, kissing my forehead gently.

"Hello, AJ. How are you feeling?" I asked in response. AJ smiled softly once again, tears coming to his eyes. "There's no need to cry, AJ, I'll be joining your siblings and your father soon."

"I know, I know," he whispered, voice thick with grief, "I just don't think I'm ready for you to go just yet."

"Neither am I," Piplup agreed, the other three boys nodding their heads in agreement.

"Boys," I said with a soft sigh, "No one will ever be ready for someone to die, especially when that someone is very close to them. The only thing we can do when their time has come is to be there with them to grant them safe passing."

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