Burr Runs For Senate Seat

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The Lion And His Lioness -- A Hamilton Fanfiction
Chapter 32 - Burr Runs For Senate Seat

I was just cleaning the kitchen when Philip rushed in, a newspaper in his hand. "Ma! Ma, look!" He called, shaking the pieces of paper around in his hand. "Grandpapi's in the paper. 'War hero Philip Schuyler in danger of losing senate to young upstart Aaron Burr?' Ma, Grandpapi might lose his seat in the senate."

I quickly put down the rag in my hand and turned to my eldest son. "I thought he was unopposed?" I asked, taking the paper from him and quickly scanning it.

"Not according to the paper he isn't!" Pippy exclaimed, coming to stand next to me.

"Philip, go make sure the door is closed." I told him. Pippy nodded, rushing off to close the door. Oh boy. Schuyler has a challenger from New York for senator. Aaron Burr. Wait... Oh crap! "I have to go, I have to find Alexander."

"Let him know we're on his side!" Philip cheered.

"No!" I told him, grabbing his jacket and helping him get it on. "He'll consider this a personal slander. I have to stop a homicide."

"Oh! Wait, would Pa really do that, Ma?" I simply nodded, remembering what my husband was like in the war.

"Burr!" I called in outrage as I strode up to him. "Since when are you a Democratic-Republican?" I asked, anger burning my blood, causing it to boil.

"Since being one put me on the up and up again," he laughed, ignoring the angered look on my face.

"No one knows who you are or what you do."

"They don't need to know me, they don't like you." I'm sorry, what?

"Excuse me?!"

"Sure, all of Wall Street thinks you're great. You'll always be adored by the things you create. But upstate, you're the rascal who trades away the capital." So what? I didn't lose anything and Jefferson and Madison gained something, didn't they? I don't see why Aaron even cares!

"Wait-" How dare he?! He just cut me off!

"The asshole who taxes the alcohol!"

"I've always considered you a friend, Burr."

"I don't see why that has to end, Hamilton." He told me, crossing his arms over his chest. "A senate seat was up for grabs and I took it. It's not my fault people think you're crooked."

"You're gonna make a fool of me through my father-in-law?" I asked, realizing his plan.

"There's the kid who almost shot Charles Lee in the jaw."

"He deserved it! He was a terrible General and after what he did to my wife? No way in a million years was I going to let him get away with that, Burr! You saw how Rena was after what Lee did, why shouldn't I have shot him in the jaw? It would have shut him up!" I retaliated. I couldn't stop, not now. Burr had given me far too much fuel to stop now.

"Though I do agree, Alex, my God, will your pride be the death of us all. I have one warning for you Hamilton; beware, it goeth before the fall!"

"Alexander, there you are!" I heard my wife call from behind me. I looked and saw her and Philip coming over to us, a stack of papers in her hands.

"Rena? What are you doing here?" I asked, watching as she handed me the papers. I gave my son a quick hug, and Rena a good kiss.

"You forgot your papers, Alexi." Rena answered before turning her attention back to Burr. "Mister Burr, good sir, it's been so long. How are the Theodosias?"

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