I Was So Lucky

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The Lion And His Lioness -- A Hamilton Fanfiction
Chapter 19 - I Was So Lucky

I was in my tent writing letter's to Congress when Alexander walked in. I looked up and saw him fidgeting, something I noticed he did when he was nervous. "What have you done this time, Alexander?" I asked my right-hand man. He looked up, eyes widened. "Relax. I'm just messing with you."

"Heh, right," he chuckled nervously. He gulped before stepping closer to my desk slightly. "Sir, I came here to ask you something. W-Would I be a-able to... have your blessing to wed your daughter, sir?" He seemed really nervous... Wait... Did he just ask to wed my daughter?! I was silent and continued to watch him as I feigned thoughtfulness. He gulped again at my lack of answer.

"You want to marry my daughter?" I asked.

He nodded, sweat forming on his forehead. "Y-Yes, sir."

I chuckled, coming so that I was stood in front of him. "Alexander, my good boy, you have my blessing. Be true." I told him. It took a few moments for it to register but when it did, oh boy. He started jumping up and down, squealing. I laughed good naturedly as he did his little happy dance. "Go get her." Without a second thought, he bolted out of my tent. He really must love Es, huh? Well, we'll see.

Alexander had just asked Pa if he could wed my baby sister. He. Said. Yes! Awesome! Even though I haven't met him personally, nor has Anna, I'm super excited! I just hope he stays loyal to my sister or else he will have Hell to pay when he dies. He better stay loyal to her. I guess we just have to wait and see.

Alexander, also known as Petit Lion in our little group of five, had gone out about an hour and a half ago for a reason he wouldn't tell us. It striked me as a bit odd but, then again, he is Washington's right-hand man so... he's allowed to be secretive as it may be a part of his job. Oh, well.

"Hey, Panther~!" Hercules greeted as I entered our shared tent. I felt a blush creep its way up my neck because of the way he said it. Herc walked over to me, standing in front of me with his arms wrapped around my neck as John stood behind me, kissing the back of my neck.

"Tortue~" I moaned, putting my hands around Hercules' waist and burying my head in the crook of his neck. Laurens was relentless. That's when Alexander entered the tent.

"Sweet Jesus!" He exclaimed, quickly zipping the tent's entrance shut. "Guys, if you're going to do this then at least have the decency to warn me and to tie the tent door shut!" He scolded, coming over and messing with notre tortue's hair.

Mulligan just smirked at Alex, unwrapping his arms from around my neck and going over to notre lion. "Lion, you have a lover, don't you? Why would you want to join in on our shenanigans?" He asked, hands resting on the smaller man's hips. Alex glared, not moving his hand from Laurens' hair who hadn't stopped kissing the back of my neck.

"Laurens!" I moaned, spinning around and capturing his lips with my own. He squeaked in surprise before melting into the kiss. We continued to kiss as Herc and Alex talked quietly. I wrapped my arms around John's waist and pulled him closer as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Take me," he whispered breathlessly. I shook my head, looking over at Alex and Herc. "They won't mind. If anything they'll join us." I shook my head again, wanting to leave him wanting more.

"If you two are quite finished, I have a little surprise for you three." Alex called over to us. John and I nodded and headed over to le lion.

"What is it, lion?" I asked, sitting down on my bed and pulling John onto my lap making him squeak. Alex went red as Herc's hand travelled up his leg and rested pretty close to his crotch area.

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