Different Places, Different Time

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The Lion And His Lioness -- A Hamilton Fanfiction
Chapter 15 - Different Places, Different Time

I was helping one of the helpers to clean the house before I went to bed for the night after returning from the Ball when I heard Isle call own the stairs. "Mrs Washington! Mr Washington! Come, your daughter!" I heard Isle call down the stairs. The helper I was helping said that she would continue so that I could go and check on my daughter. Thanking her, I ran up the stairs and to my child's room to see George was already there, holding Esperanza's hand tightly. That's when I realized what was happening; Esperanza was going into labour.

"How long has she been like this?" I asked quickly, getting a couple of spare towels and placing them at the base of her legs, turning my attention towards Isle.

"Five, maybe ten, minutes, Martha," George responded. I nodded my head, mind racing. I quickly took a deep breath to attempt to clear my head.

"Can you go and fetch a doctor for us, Isle?" I asked as I glanced at her before turning my attention back to Esperanza. I heard footsteps run down the stairs as she ran to get a doctor. John, probably hearing Isle run down the stairs, quickly made his way into the room with concern evident as day on his features.

He took one look at his younger sister and quickly made his way over, sitting at her head and stroking her hair back. "We're here, we're here," he and George comforted as Isle returned with a doctor. He quickly knelt next to me where I was at the base of my youngest daughter's legs.

"How long has she been like this?" He asked me as he sat down next to me.

"At least twenty minutes, sir," I responded. He nodded and got ready to get the baby when they arrived. About an hour and a lot of screaming and pain later, the cry of a newborn infant rang through the room. Isle, ever the innocent helper she was, had a soft baby blanket at the ready for the baby.

The doctor looked at the gender and smiled, looking at Esperanza as he gently placed the baby in her tired arms. John looked down at the baby with a soft smile and pride in his eyes. "It's a girl!" George whispered happily as he looked down at the beautiful baby girl, our granddaughter, in our daughter's arms.

"She's beautiful," John whispered, kissing his sister's head. We had told Alexander, Laurens, Mulligan, and Joseph that they could stay over for the next two days before they returned to the war with George so I wasn't surprised when they came into the room. Alexander immediately took Lucas' place next to Esperanza's head, his eyes holding so much pride.

"She looks so much like her mother, beautiful in every way possible," he murmured softly as he gently stroked his thumb across the baby's small, soft hand. We all left the room to give the new parents some time alone, pride overwhelming the room.

Happiness. That's all I could use to summarise the emotion that seemed to overwhelm me. Although she wasn't my child by birth, I would love her like she was. I smiled softly at the love of my life and newborn baby girl. I knew, in that moment, that I would do anything to keep my family safe. Anything I had to do, for their happiness.

I sat next to my sister as she slept, my niece in Alexander's arms. I'm happy that the little angel was going to grow up with a father, considering that Anza did not when she was much younger. The couple had yet to pick a name out for their daughter. Alex, who Anza called Alexi, said that he wanted to wait so that they could decide on a name together. I know Anza had already picked a first and middle names out for both genders.

If the baby was a boy, Anza would have wanted to call him Daniel George and if the baby was a girl, which she is, Anza would have wanted to call her Lillianna Martha. As an explanation for the reason why she picked Dan and Lil's names was because she wanted to preserve the memory of the two siblings she was so close with before they ventured to the other side of the veil.

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