I Hope She's Safe

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The Lion And His Lioness -- A Hamilton Fanfiction
Chapter 3 - I Hope She's Safe

It had been fifteen years since George Washington and his wife, Martha Washington, had me. I have never been more grateful for the Lord and his kindness than I was at this moment. Being a Washington, my Father had wanted me to meet the Schuyler Sisters, Angelica, Elizabeth, and Margarita. It was nice to have friends in this time, even if I am not from the said time myself. Over the past fifteen years, I had gotten extremely close to my siblings, Daniel, Frances, John, Patsy, Lillianna, and Lucas. Unfortunately, Dan died on February 19th of the year 1767. Annie had also died on August 18th of the year 1770, we were extremely close so it broke my heart when I had to watch them die. Francie had also died on April 1st of the year 1764.

Anyway, I was just getting into my dress when I heard Pa call me from downstairs. "Es, sweetie! Come downstairs please!" He called.

"Coming, Pa!" I called back. I walked downstairs, meeting Ma at the base of the stairs. Pa greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the forehead as I hugged him back. "You wished to see me, Pa?" I asked, looking up at him from where I stood. Father nodded, hugging me slightly tighter. "Pa?"

"Petal, I'm leaving to fight for our country's freedom," he told me, resting his head on the top of mine. I rested my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat for what felt like the last time.

I knew from my History classes at school that George Washington survives, but being his daughter I just had this feeling that he might not make it. George had been very accepting when he and Martha adopted me. Martha adored me the moment I said my first word, which was 'Mama', to her so that was a blessing in itself, especially considering what I had to grow up with. I now had two parents that loved me; a mother who was far too kind for her own good and a father who would become the Unites State's first President. I was more than ecstatic.

"When do you believe you shall return?" I asked, not moving my head from his chest. I felt him shake his head, an indication that he did not know at that current moment. "Just... Please, promise me you will be safe. I do not want to lose you Pa, I cannot lose you to the Lord like I have Dan and Annie," I begged, letting go of him and stood back. He rested a hand on my cheek before pulling me in for another hug.

"I promise you, Petal, I shall be safe." He promised. I nodded my head against his chest, knowing that he would keep that promise. He always keeps his promises.

We stayed in that hug until the carriage came up the road. Reluctantly, we let go of each other. "Be safe," Ma told him, the two sharing a tender kiss. Pa nodded after they pulled away, Ma coming over to me and my fellow siblings and holding us close to her. Being sixteen, I was still shorter than her which was a shame.

I looked up at Ma to see tears falling down her cheeks. I looked back at Pa to see him salute us before getting in the carriage and disappearing. "Be safe," I whispered, my soft voice being carried away by the wind like a leaf in the fall as I held onto my big sister, Patsy.

"Let us go and have some tea, dears," Ma said as she guided us into the drawing-room, sitting us down and getting a cup of tea. I just hope Pa listens and stays safe. Lord, please allow Pa to live through this war, allow him to return home in one piece.

I was sat in the carriage on my way to battle, looking out the carriage window at the rolling fields that would soon be stained with the blood of both sides of the war; British and American. I just hope I will be able to live long enough to see my children get married and have children of their own.

Just as I was about to turn away from the window, I heard a soft whisper carried across the wind. "Be safe..."

At that moment, I knew it was my youngest daughter, Es. "I promise you, Es, I will return. I'll stay alive to see you get married, as well as your sister. I'll be able to give both of you away to your husband... I shall return at the end of all of this," I whispered to the rolling fields as if my daughter would hear me. Funny, I thought to myself, this must be how she felt when she whispered her phrase. I shall return.

I knew anxiety was eating my youngest daughter alive, more so than I would admit. I didn't know what to do. The child was worried sick for her father, even if she wouldn't admit it to me, her siblings or one of the helpers. She was absolutely riddled with worry for her father. That's when an idea struck me like a lightning bolt. It wasn't the best idea but it was worth a shot.

"Isle, dear, please may you go and fetch Esperanza for me?" I asked one of the younger helpers, Isle. She nodded and quickly made her way to where my daughter dwelled, probably writing a letter to her father. She was always writing to her father, she was.

Just as I was finishing up a letter to my dear Pa, I heard a knock on the door. "I will only be a moment," I called over my shoulder as I signed my name on the piece of paper. Gently and carefully setting my quill in the inkpot my father had gifted me when I said that I wished to write to him during his time at war, fighting for our freedom, I left my paper to dry so that the writing would not get smudged.

"Miss Washington?" I heard one of the younger helpers, Isle, ask through the door.

"Give me a moment, Isle, dear," I replied kindly, getting up and going over to the door. I opened it to see Isle stood before me, her innocent-looking eyes looking up at me. "Yes, Isle?"

"Your mother wishes to speak with you, she does!" Isle told me, leading me to the drawing-room where Ma sat with a cup of tea. "Here you is, Mrs. Washington."

Ma thanked Isle before sending her off to work again. "You wished to see me, Ma?" I asked as I sat down next to her. She nodded, taking a sip of tea before gently placing the cup down.

"I did." She commented, looking at my face. I looked back at her as she gently placed her hands on my cheeks.

"Ma...?" I asked, placing my small hands over hers that rested on my cheeks.

"Even if you are not our daughter by birth, I still see so much of your father in you. He would be delighted, yet very angry, at what I am about to propose to you Bubba," she commented, not taking her hands off my cheeks until she finished her sentence.

"What is it you need, Ma?" I asked, looking at her in concern, worried that she wanted to send me off to marriage without Pa there to give me away to the man I would love or learn to love. "What are you about to propose to me?"

"I know you have been feeling anxiety with your father at war, and I have decided to allow you to go to war and join your father on one condition." She told me sternly, looking at me with her blazing hazel coloured irises.

"What is the condition, Ma?" I asked.

"You write to me as much as you can. I will tell your father you have journeyed to England, hoping to find a suitor. I will tell him that I have received letters from you but will not enclose them in the letters I send to your father, as you 'requested'." She answered, looking at me with tears in her eyes. I hugged her, a smile on my face.

"Thank you, Ma! Thank you so much. I do not know how to repay you for all the good you have done for me; you and Pa." I told her, kissing her cheek.

She kissed the top of my head, saying "Just you being here is enough repayment. I am so glad your Father found you in that alleyway, otherwise, I might have lost my mind with him." I giggled, imaging that scenario in my mind. "Anyway, you best get off to get changed into your uniform. When you come back down, I will cut your hair to a length where you can still put it up and we will discuss fake names for you. Alright?" I nodded, a smile on my face as I rushed upstairs to get dressed. Only one thought remained in my mind as I got dressed; I'm about to fight for my country's freedom!

Watching my child race up the stairs, I only had one thought on my mind. I hope she's safe.

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