Today Was Definitely A Day To Remember

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The Lion And His Lioness -- A Hamilton Fanfiction
Chapter 7 - Today Was Definitely A Day To Remember

The boys all lay down on the beds, some thinking about a special someone and some thinking about a certain general. Esperanza lay on her folding up bed, head spinning with thoughts on what her new siblings would look like, how they would act, their gender, how they will take to being a Washington... It would be a lot of pressure if the child came from one of the poorer families in the South.

Rolling onto her side, Esperanza watched the boys as they slept. What she would give to be as comfortable as they were; to actually be able to sleep without a thousand and one thoughts running through her mind, to have her mind sleep and allow her a couple minutes of rest. Her eyes trailed over to Lafayette's sleeping form, his poofy hair falling in front of his eyes.

Standing up, Esperanza walked over to the Frenchman's bed and knelt down next to it. The youngest Washington child gently brushed America's favourite fighting Frenchman's soft hair out of his eyes, kissing his forehead, pulling the blanket up and tucking it under the Baguette's chin before moving onto the next boy; Hercules Mulligan.

Kneeling next to his bed, Esperanza noted how baby his face actually looked when he was relaxed and the stress of war didn't show on his baby-like features. He didn't seem to have outgrown his baby face which Esperanza found rather adorable. Gently Esperanza pulled the blanket up, tucking it under Herc's chin, and giving him a kiss on the forehead, like she did to Lafayette, before moving onto the next boy; John Laurens.

Kneeling next to his bed, Esperanza smiled softly as she brushed some dirt off his left cheek. As she did so, she noticed the amount of freckles spread across his face like the millions of stars in the night sky. She studied his freckles for a moment longer before pulling his hair from its ponytail, pulling the blanket up, tucking it beneath his chin and giving him a kiss on the forehead before moving onto the last and final boy of their group; Alexander Hamilton.

Kneeling next to where the man had fallen asleep, Esperanza gently removed the quill from the small man's hand and setting it on his desk before gently picking him up and moving him to his bed. Kneeling down next to said bed, she smiled softly down at the man she found rather cute. Shaking the thought from her head, she proceeded to gently pull the blanket up, tucking it under his chin, and kissing his forehead. She then stood up and headed back to her own bed.

As she fell asleep, she failed to notice the boys' eyes trained on her. Only one thing ran across their minds as they started to fall asleep; I like Washington's daughter. Crap, I am so dead!

The next day, they got up and got ready for another day at war. Glancing towards Alex's general direction, Esperanza smiled when she saw him already smiling at her. "Morning, Alexi," Esperanza greeted, giving Alexander a hug. She then greeted the other boys and gave them all hugs as well. "Well, Pa told me yesterday that he would be giving us five the day off today. So, what are we going to be doing today?"

"Well, we could always sit around the Old Oak?" Hercules suggested, the others agreeing. And so the group of five Revolutionaries made the long treck up to the Old Oak on Old Oak Hill as they had taken to calling it. Once the group was at the top and they had sat down at the base of the oak tree, they calmly watched the world go by.

"Remember that bar song we used to sing? Story of Tonight?" John asked after a few minutes of calming and relaxing silence. The four boys nodded, Esperanza side glancing John who immediately caught on. "I already taught Zar so why don't we sing it now?"

"Alright, sure. Why the heck not?" Alexander agreed. "Panthere, Ours, what about you two? You up for a little sing along?" Lafayette and Hercules agreed and so they began, the words coming naturally to each of them.

"I may not live to see our glory." Alexander sang softly.
"I may not live to see our glory," the other four echoed.

"But I will gladly join the fight," Esperanza sang gently.
"But I will gladly join the fight," Hercules, Lafayette and John echoed.

"And when our children tell our story," Alexander sang.
"And when our children tell our story," Esperanza, Hercules, Lafayette and John all echoed him, smiles on their faces.

"They'll tell the story of tonight!" The two sang together, smiling at each other.

"Let's have another round tonight," John sang.
"Let's have another round tonight!" Hercules sang loudly, of course. Esperanza rolled her eyes, a smile on her face at her friend's antics.
"Let's have another round tonight." Lafayette and her sang, memories of their childhood popping up as they sang together.

Deciding not to finish the song, the group leant against each other and grew comfortable in the company they had. Esperanza lay her head on Alexander's shoulder, smiling when he started to run his hands through Esperanza's beautiful long brown hair; John had his head in Esperanza's lap, Lafayette had his in Hercules's, who had his in Alexander's. The group of five were content. Today was definitely a day to remember.

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