Esperanza Washington Will Recover

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The Lion And His Lioness -- A Hamilton Fanfiction
Chapter 10 - Esperanza Washington Will Recover

Gobsmacked. That is the only thing that could explain my shock and surprise as I looked at Ana's target. "W-Where did you learn to shoot?" A soldier, who I identified as the idiot and self-centred jerk Charles Lee, asked. I saw Ana's eyes brighten slightly, a blush lightly coating her cheeks. Something in me clicked and I felt an immense feeling well up inside my chest. Why? I have no answer for you, unfortunately.

"My father taught me when I was younger, he said it was for my own safety and if I wanted to join the army when I was older. He made sure I was prepared," Ana replied. Wow, Washington taught his children self defence? That's actually pretty smart. Ana then headed over to the General, the two smirking at each other and talking quietly.

I kept glancing towards Ana through out practice that day. No matter how many times I tried to catch her eye, she seemed to only have eyes for a certain Charles Lee. Why? I'm much better than that self-centred idiot! Woah... where did that come from?

Shaking my head, I heard General Washington walk forward. "Alright, ladies! Go and get some food! You've earned it!" With that, he turned on his heel and left with his daughter in toe.

I quickly made my way over to where Laf, Herc, and Jack were gathered. "Did you see the way Ana looked at that Charles Lee guy?" I asked them. They nodded, sending glares towards where Charles Lee was stood.

"What does she see in him? He's weak and a coward!" Jack complained.

"He's also self-centred, and stuck up." Laf added.

"It's as if he only thinks about himself!" Herc also added.

I nodded in agreement with the others descriptions of Lee as I looked over to where Lee stood to see him and Ana talking. He said something that made Ana giggle, a light blush coating her cheeks.

He quickly glanced around, looking straight at us and smirked before turning Ana and himself around so that Ana's back was to us but he was facing us and leant in to kiss her. I saw Ana also lean in and their lips connected in a kiss. Whaaaat?!

~A/N: In this section, there will be a rape scene. When you see the sign, [], is when it starts. When you see [] again, it's ended.~

As I slowly leaned into Esperanza, my eyes connected with those of Alexander Hamilton's. I felt another pair of lips connect to mine and quickly glanced at Esperanza to see her eyes shut and her lips connected to mine. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist. After a while, we pulled away to take a breath.

"I love you, Charles Lee," she whispered, breathless from the kiss. A small smile played at my lips as I pulled her in for another kiss. That's when I heard quiet clapping coming from where Esperanza had come from. Quickly turning around I saw Renee's father, General Washington, smirking and clapping quietly as to not bring attention to us.

"About time," he stated as he came over to us. Esperanza blushed and hid her face in my chest causing me and the General to chuckle. "You better be careful, Lee, I'm good with a gun."

"Pa!" Esperanza groaned in embarrassment. "Stop being so embarrassing!"

"I'm not sorry, dear~" With that, the General left us alone. I smirked, an idea coming to me. I took Esperanza's hand in my own and pulled her to an abandoned tent on the edge of the camp. I pulled her in, after making sure no one had followed us, and pushed her onto the bed.

I pushed Esperanza's jacket off her and moved so that I was kissing her neck. "Charles," she moaned, wrapping her legs around my waist. I growled, moved so that I was sat on top of her and started to move my hands up her linen shirt. I connected my lips to hers, moving my hands from under her shirt and to my pants. I quickly pulled them down, pulling Esperanza's pants down as well and started to insert myself into her. "Charles, wait. No, no- Ch- Charles!" I growled at the girl in my arms.

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