I Love You, Espernaza Martha Hamilton, I'll See You Soon, My Love

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The Lion And His Lioness -- A Hamilton Fanfiction
Chapter 38 - I Love You, Renesmee Martha Hamilton, I'll See You Soon, My Love

"Can we get back to politics?" I asked Jemmy.


"Yo. Every action has an equal, opposite reaction. John Adams shat the bed. I love the guy, but he's in traction. Poor Alexander Hamilton? He is missing in action. So now I'm facing Aaron Burr with his own faction."

"He's very attractive in the North. New Yorkers like his chances." Madison stated, moving a piece on our chess board. I hummed at the move he made.

"He's not very forthcoming on any particular stances." I explained, moving a black piece on the board. Madison was the whites and I was the blacks.

"Ask him a question: it glances off, he obfuscates, he dances!"

"And they say I'm a Francophile. At least they know I know where France is!"

"Thomas that's the problem, see, they see Burr as a less extreme you." Madison commented.


"You need to change course, a key endorsement might redeem you," James explained. I frowned in confusion as I watched him walk to the window, arms crossed behind his back.

"Who did you have in mind?"

"Don't laugh." Oh Lord, who did he have in mind? Please don't be Hamilton, please don't be Hamilton.

"Who is it?" I was more cautious as I asked this. Who was it?

"You used to work on the same staff." Oh for fuck's sake, Madison!


"It might be nice to get Hamilton on your side," he told me before leaving the room and leaving me to my thoughts. Great... Fuck Madison, now I have to work out a way to get Hamilton on my side. How the fuck am I supposed to do that?! Actually... I think I might have an idea...

"Talk less!"


"Smile more!"


"Don't let 'em know what you're against or what you're for!"


Shake hands with him, charm her.

"It's eighteen hundrend, ladies, tell your husbands: vote for Burr!"

I sighed as I received another letter from my former party. This one read:

Dear Mr. Hamilton,
Your fellow Fedralists would like to know how you'll be voting.

A previous one was written like this:

Dear Mr. Hamilton,
John Adams doesn't stand a chance, so who are you promoting?

Don't they understand that I'm still grieving for my son? I sighed, deciding to head downtown to see what people were up to. I was surprised when I saw Burr. "Well, if it isn't Aaaron Burr. Sir!" I greeted.


"You've created quite a stir, sir!"

"I'm going door to door!"

"You're openly complaining?"


"That's new," I commented, remembering how Burr used to tell me to 'talk less' and 'smile more'.

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