He Had No Choice; He Had To Send Her Home

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The Lion And His Lioness -- A Hamilton Fanfiction
Chapter 8 - He Had No Choice; He Had To Send Her Home

It's been two months. Two. Whole. Months. Two whole freaking months since the accident. E was put in a medically induced coma after the doctors and nurses noticed her body start to fail on her. They had no choice; they had to put her on Life Support.

Why? Why did it have to be her? Why couldn't it have been me? She doesn't deserve this! The Gods know that E doesn't deserve this!

I was visiting after school, like I've been doing for the past two months. I sat in the same white chair, looking at the same lifeless, motionless girl before me. We were childhood best friends, we did everything together. It wouldn't be the same if E died.

That's when I noticed it. As I looked down at E's hand, I saw her fingers move slightly, as if they were trying to find something. Looking back up at her face, I saw it pale drastically. Quickly pressing the button on the remote control to summon a nurse, thoughts rushed through my head. Would she make it? Is she dying? Please, Hades! Don't let my best friend die; don't let this be the end if Esperanza Washidoz!

The nurse came quickly and immediately called a doctor when she saw E's state. About five minutes later, the doctors arrived. The nurse that arrived first quickly took me out of the room, saying that it would be unsafe if I was in there when they tried to help her. Unsafe? What did she mean unsafe?

"3... 2... 1... clear!" I heard come from inside the room. That only happens when your using a defibrillator. And you only use a defibrillator when someone's... heart... stops...

No... No no.... no, no, nonononono. Not E! Not my best friend! No, why? Why, Hades?! I asked you to help her, not kill her! Why? Why my best friend?!

Sitting in one of the chairs, I put my head in my hands and started to silently weep. My best friend's heart just... stopped... and she's stuck in a medically induced coma... How could this be happening? Of all people Hades could have picked to take his anger out upon, it had to be E didn't it? Why though? Why E? Why her? I may never know...
I awoke a week after allowing the four boys and my daughter to have a day off with a sinking feeling in my gut. That feeling, you ask? I don't know how to describe it. When you become a parent, if you ever want to - it's honestly up to you -, then you'll understand. You just get a gut feeling that something's wrong, you don't know what it is that's wrong, but you know that something is wrong.

Deciding to ignore the feeling for now which usually is a bad idea when it's a gut feeling, I continued to get ready for the day ahead of me. I knew I needed some cheering up and so I headed to my daughter's tent, knowing she would be able to help cheer me up and help me ignore the gut feeling I mentioned beforehand.

Once at her tent, I was met with three very anxious looking boys; Alexander Hamilton, Hercules Mulligan and John Laurens. Where was Lafayette? "Boys? Where is Gilbert? And Wolf?" I asked, watching as John simply pointed to inside the tent. Giving them confused glances I headed inside and what I saw made my heart stop, literally. There, on the makeshift bed, was my youngest daughter, sweating buckets with her childhood best friend hovering over her, trying to keep her awake. "Gilb?"

"George... I-I..." he shut his eyes tightly, fighting back tears. I knew how much it would hurt him if Es died, heck I knew how much it would hurt Aaron if Es died and I always thought Aaron and Es didn't like each other. I was proven wrong a couple days ago by the latter.

"It's alright, let's get her to the Medical Tent and see what the doctors say about it, alright?" I suggested, rubbing his back in comfort. "It's not your fault, Gilb, no one could have predicted this," I told him gently. Gilbert simply nodded, gently picking Es up and following me to the Medical Tent, the other three boys following but waiting outside instead of joining us which I could tell Gilbert was most thankful for. "Alright, set her down and stay with her whilst I go get a doctor."

"Of course," Gilbert whispered. My heart broke when I glanced back at the two, realizing how close they really were. Gilbert helped Es when she was grieving for her siblings, grieving for the ones she had lost. She lost two, but gained one. She still gained a brother, even if she lost a brother and a sister.

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I flagged down a doctor and showed them to where my sick daughter lay, unconscious. The examination seemed to go on for hours when it was only a matter of mere minutes. "Well?" I asked, watching the doctor pack his things.

"I'm sorry, General, but you are going to need to send her home. She is in no fit condition to be here, to be in these current conditions. These conditions will only make her condition worsen, you need a clean, safe place for her health to grow again. I'm sorry, General. There is nothing more I can do other than tell you to send her home." The Doctor apologised. George nodded, dismissing him. He had no choice; he had to send her home.

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