Chapter 5: Cash's Scary Secret Part 2: Brotherly Love

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Warning: This Chapter discusses topics such as suicide and self harm, if you are sensitive to these topics I suggest you read at you own caution or skip this part entirety.

Maverick's POV:

I couldn't believe it, my own little brother had been cutting himself and I didn't even know, how could I bee so blind as to not see that Cash was hurting?

I just stared as tears began to form in Cash's eyes. "You weren't supposed to find out." He said. I took a step closer, reaching out to help but Cash stepped back, clearly trying to indicate that he didn't want it.

"Cash, why would you do this to yourself?" I asked. Cash then sat up against the wall of the bathroom and I slowly approached, sitting next to him, trying to think of what to say in this moment.

"How many times?" I asked him, trying to say in the most sincere way. "Including today, 23." He responded. Cash immediately began to cry and I could see the pain in his eyes. I placed my arms around him because I wanted to know that I was here and I was willing to hear him out, he just had to give me a chance.

Cash's POV:

I never wanted Maverick to find out because I didn't want him to think that it was his fault, however if I'm being completely honest, I do think it's somewhat his.

All my life I've been looked at as Maverick's little brother, and nothin else. No one has ever given me the chance to show who I really am, I've always been smaller, and weaker but for some reason cutting myself, it made me feel strong. I know that's a horrible thing to say buts it's the truth. It's the only time in my life where I've felt like I can be in control.

Maverick reached out his arms and I let him wrap them around me. I wanted to talk but I couldn't, not in this moment. However I couldn't help but cry, I loved maverick and I know he loved me, and keeping this from him was so hard but I just couldn't bring myself to tell him, but I wanted to for so long.

"Cash, I'm going to ask you something and I need you to be completely honest with me" Maverick said. "Have you ever had thoughts of killing yourself?"

Cash stared at Maverick, then stared back at his legs, not wanting to look at his brother as he answered, "Yes."

Maverick then knelt in front of Cash, titling Cash's chin upwards so that the two boys eyes were looking into each other.

"I love Cash. I'm your older brother. I've never wanted you to get hurt and I'm sorry that you've had to live in my shadow but just know that you are worth it. It's worth living because you have so much to offer this world and you mean so much to a lot, Mom, Dad, Lani, Me. You Cash Baker are my little brother and I love you, always know that." Maverick said

Cash couldn't remember the last time Maverick had told Cash, Cash didn't think Maverick ever had. But hearing those words come out of his mouth, is all Cash ever wanted to hear.

Cash pulled Maverick into a hug and the two boys just stayed in that moment for what felt like hours, Cash never wanted to let go.

Maverick then looked at his little brother, using his hand to wipe away Cash's tears, "you need to promos me something." "What?" Cash's asked.

"Promise me you'll never cut again, because there is absolutely no need. If you're ever feeling sad of scared come to me, and when I go off to college and you feel alone always know that I'm one call away, I'll always be here, and I'll always be willing to listen, just promise to never pick up that blade again."

Cash for the first time saw true emotion in Maverick. For the first time Cash was seeing Maverick cry, and it made him feel like he didn't need to cut anymore, for he knew that he always had Maverick.

"I Promise" Cash said. The two boy re-embraces one another, Maverick being hopeful that Cash would keep his word.

"I love you Cash" Maverick said, a smile immediately came across Cash's teary face "I love you too Bro."

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