Chapter 11: Coming Out Part 2

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Maverick stared at his little brother in shock. Cash had been keeping so many secrets from him lately it seemed, first he had found out that Cash had been cutting himself and know it turned out he was gay.

Although it made sense to Maverick know, Cash had been dealing with the issues of his sexuality as well as being bullied, so it made sense that Cash would do what he did.

Maverick didn't know what to say. He wanted to ask questions but he didn't want to put Cash on the spot or make him feel uncomfortable.

"Gay?" Maverick asked sheepishly.

"Yeah, I'm gay." Cash replied, tears beginning to well up in his eyes due to the fear of the situation. Maverick immediately pulled Cash into a hug as Cash began to cry happy tears.

"How long have you known?" Maverick asked as the boys let go of each other. "I've always been gay, but I think it wasn't until a few months ago that I fully realized it." Cash said.

Maverick smiled, "well I'm happy that you finally told me. And just know that I'm here for you no matter what and I'll be happy with whoever you end up with, as long as your happy."

"Thanks." Cash said. "Wait, do mom and dad know. And Lani, have you told her?" Maverick asked.

"No, and please don't tell them, I want to do this on my own and I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell anyone else yet. The only two people who know are you and Joey."

Maverick knew that coming out was hard for people of the LGBT so he didn't want to pressure Cash into telling people before he was ready to.

"Don't worry, I won't tell them. Just tell me the truth, is there any other secrets you've been keeping from me?" Maverick asked jokingly.

Both brothers laughed, "no I think you know all of my secrets now. Is there any you haven't told me?"

"No" Maverick answered, "Good" Cash said.

Maverick and Cash embraced in one more hug before Maverick left the room. Cash took a second to breathe and go over what had just happened, and he had this feeling that a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

However, he hadn't told Maverick the whole truth. He did have one more secret. Maverick had asked Cash how he knew but thankfully he didn't ask Cash who his crush was, because Cash didn't know if he was ready to tell him that yet.

Cash went over to his desk, pulling out a thin white binder, opening it. Cash called this his "private binder" it's where he kept all his most embarrassing papers, and photos. And the first page of this binder was a picture of Cash's crush, Cash smiled feeling like there was hopefully a possibility of being with them one day, but he knew that would probably never happen.

"Hey Cash!" Maverick said opening Cash's door. Cash quickly hid the binder before Maverick saw it as his door swung open. Cash turned in his chair to face Maverick,

"Yeah" he said. "Mom and dad are gonna be working late tonight, wanna go grab some takeout for dinner?" Maverick said.

"Sure." Cash got up from his chair, turning back to see his binder tucked away, before heading after

What would Maverick say if he knew?" Cash thought to himself. He didn't want to worry about that now, but what would that mean for his future?

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