Chapter 34: Josh & Nathan's Wedgie War

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It has been a few days since Nathan's 17th Birthday Bash and since the party Nathan and Josh's relationship had clearly changed.

Josh and Nathan had finally come to a point where they could actually talk with one another with getting annoyed, and Josh had kept his word and has been trying his best to go as hard on his cousin, for the most part.

Anyways, today was the Richard families last day in town, tomorrow they would be leaving back to their own home city.

Strangely there was a part of Nathan that didn't want his cousin to go. The two of them had actually grown to enjoy each other's company more over these last few days, and he sad that it would be over.

So Nathan wanted to make sure that today, he and Josh did everything they could to enjoy each other's company.
Since it was there last day in town, Nathan's parents had taken Josh's out for the day, which meant the boys would be home alone together.

Both boys were sitting in the family living room, Josh scrolling through channels on the tv as Nathan sat next to him, texting Cash and chuckling.

"What's so funny?" Josh asked, finally looking over at his younger cousin. Nathan had tears in his eyes from the photo Cash had just sent him.

"Look what Cash just sent me" Nathan showed Josh his screen, on it a picture of Cash revealing his ripped boxer briefs, most likely after Maverick had wedgied them.

"Holy crap. His undies are totally destroyed." Josh said, he two now laughing.

After another few minutes of silence, it became clear that the boys were getting bored.

"This is so boring! It's my last day with you and we've got nothing to do. You got any ideas?" Josh asked.

Nathan thought for a moment, his attention then turning back to the photo of Cash with his ripped undies.

"Okay, I'm going to suggest something and I need you to hear me out." Nathan said, trying to sound super serious.

"Okay, what is it?" Josh's asked a little nervous, what could be running through his cousins mind right now.

"So Cash once told me that whenever there were times Maverick and him couldn't solve a problem, they would do this thing that they called:
A Wedgie War!

Josh was immediately intrigued. He had no clue what this was, but if had anything to do with potentially wedging Nathan, he was interested.

"So how exactly does it work?" Josh asked.

"Well basically the two of them just go at each other, and whoever rips the others underwear first wins. Oh, but they can't do anything that would leave a physical mark."

Josh though about this for a moment,

"So, what exactly are you suggesting?" Josh asked, although he kinda already knew what Nathan was intending.

Nathan looked at his cousin and smiled,

"well since it's your last day in town, and our parents are gone for the day, I was thinking that maybe you'd wanna have our very own wedgie war up in the attic?"

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