Chapter 29: April Showers

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It was now officially April. Maverick had spent the past month considering every option he had. He had several discussions with his parents, with Cash, even with Lani (who remind you lives in California).

So, after a lot of thinking, Maverick had decided........ that he would indeed be accepting Mr. Allwrights scholarship and would be attending the California Institute of Music for their Summer quarter.

However, it wasn't that cut and dry. Maverick and his parents agreed that Maverick would attend the summer quarter to get a feeling of being there, and afterwards he would then make his final decision on whether or not he would attend full time.

And of course, Lani and Garret were happy to let Maverick stay with them during this time, that way he wouldn't have to worry about finding his own place while attending his classes.

However, this was all still 3 months away, but that felt like such little time, so Maverick wanted to make sure that him and Cash could spend as much time together bonding before he left.
It was another boring and rainy day. However thankfully, today would not be like the last time. After that incident during the last major storm the family realized that they needed to put more effort into spending time as a family, and meals didn't count.

So, the family had been doing just that, together they were finding more times to spend as 1, the boys parents had taken more days off so they could go to the mall, or the movies. And of course, Cash and Maverick were always extremely close.

Anyways, as it rained outside, Maverick was doing some work on his laptop, the rain trickling down his windowsill was now more calming, and peaceful.

That is Until,

"MAVERICK!" Cash came bursting into his big brothers room, snapping Maverick out of his zen.

Maverick sighed annoyed, turning around in his chair with a scowl on his face, "seriously dude, you through me right outta my zen, what could be so important?"

"This!" Cash shoved his phone into his brothers face, the screen was so bright it nearly blinded Maverick. After his eyes adjusted, Maverick took a look at his brothers screen,

"What exactly am I looking at?" Maverick asked confused. It was an Instagram post from some band that he had no clue,

Cash was honestly shocked,

"Are you kidding me dude, it's Panic at the Disco's comeback tour, it's the first tour their doing back together as a whole band. Their one of mine and Nathan's favorite groups to listen too."

Maverick still had a look of unconcern on his face, "okay and what exactly is the big deal with this news?"

Cash was now getting annoyed with his big brother, "Dude did you not read the post, the first stop on their tour is going to be right here in town. Oh, do you think mom and dad would let me get tickets?"

"Jeez, I don't know maybe. If you had money they might, but let's be real, you don't have any money do you?"

This is when Cash finally realized the problem with his plan. Maverick was right, Cash was basically broke. Well not exactly, he had money in his bank account, but definitely not enough to get tickets. Hell, they were selling tickets for $50 each, and that was for the cheap seats way in the back, if Cash wanted to get tickets real up close, he'd need to have close to $300 dollars, and he did not have that kinda Cash.

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