Chapter 18: New Years Eve Part 2: Dropping the Ball

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Everyone in the Baker house just stared in silence as the cheering from the TV filled the room. Cash's heart was beating harder then it ever had before. No one was saying anything, and he wasn't able to tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity Cash's mom finally broke the silence, "Cash. What did you say?" Cash looked his mother right in the eyes, trying to hold back the tears he felt coming.

"I'm Gay Mom. I like boys, and boys only." At that point there was no point in trying to stop it, Cash let his tears flow down his cheeks. Maverick immediately ran and hugged his brother,

"I'm so proud of you bro, but maybe you could have gave us a little warning that that's what you were about to do." Lani also went to hug her little brother.

The Baker parent just stared at each other, neither saying a word. Both were in a state of shock. The children's father then stood and approached his young son, Cash preparing for the worst.

"Cash. I may be an older man, I grew up in a time unlike yours, where people who were gay were looked down upon, made to feel like freaks and sinners, believe me I know. But I also know that if I want you to be happy in this world, I need you to be whoever you are. I may not understand it completely, however with your help, I'll be able to learn. I love you Cash, and I always will."

Cash could feel his tears returning as he hugged his father. He was terrified to tell him for so long, he was afraid that his father wouldn't accept him, but to hear his father say that he loves him now matter what, was all he ever wanted to hear.

Cash's Mom then approached and kneels before her son. She looked in her sons eyes and said "Cash, a mother knows her children, or so she thinks. I never knew this is who you are, so I need to know, are you happy?"

Cash nodded and his mother smiled, "then I'm happy too. As long as you love being yourself, I'll love you forever."

Cash embraced his mother, her warmth made him feel like he was finally free to be whoever he wanted to be.

Cash's mom then looked at her other children, "do you two know?"

Maverick then stepped forward, "Lani found out a few days ago but I've known for a couple of months now. We both agreed not to tell you because we wanted Cash to be the one. Although we didn't expect him to tell you at this very moment."

Maverick and Cash chuckled.

"I'm sorry, what is Happening right Now?"
The family all looked over at Garret, who had still been sitting on the couch this entire time.

"So Cash apparently likes both Girls and Guys, I'm so confused right now?" Lani approached her husband,

"No you dimwit, Cash is Gay. He only has feeling for guys, that's all, and if you have a problem with that then you can head upstairs to our room because I'll be damned if I let you sit here and ruin this moment for him.

Garret then got up and said,
"you know what, I think I am gonna head upstairs because I'm still super confused right now." After Garret left the room Lani turned to Cash,

"Cash I'm so sorry about him." Cash smiled at his big sister. "It's okay, some people just don't understand it but hey, screw him, I don't need his approval to be who I am."

"That's my Boy" Cash's mom said.

After about an hour of talking with everyone the family decided to head to bed, Cash entered his room and later against his door, taking a deep breathe once it closed.

He sat on his bed as Maverick opened his door,
"Good night bro" Maverick close the door and Cash went and grabbed his secret binder from its hiding place. He opened it and stared inside.

He had now told everyone in his family that he was gay, but only Lani knew who his crush was. However, Cash wasn't even sure that he was even LGBT.

Cash put his binder on his desk when his phone buzzed. He read the text on the screen and then replied.

Cash then climbed into bed, this day was one of the craziest for the Baker boy, but thankfully it was finally over. He shut his eyes and went to sleep.

Cash's Secret was out to everyone. Now all that's left to do is see who his crush is.

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