Chapter 10: Coming Out

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At this point, there was no such thing as a "typical Tuesday" for the Baker brothers, and today would be no exception.

Maverick's POV:

"Every time that stupid alarm goes off the more I want to throw it out the window" Maverick muttered to himself as he got dressed. He headed downstairs to make himself some toast. He had just placed the bread in the toaster when Cash entered the kitchen.

"Morning bro." Cash said, slightly startling Maverick. "Jesus dude, don't scare me like that." Cash looked at his brother with his side eyes,

"Are you ok, you've been a little jumpy lately. Is there something you want to tell me?" Maverick immediately began to get nervous, "what no there's nothing, why would you even ask me something like that?"

"Well," Cash began "Its actually because theirs something I've been wanting to tell you for a while, I just didn't know how to."

At that moment Maverick's toast popped and he quickly grabbed it, seeming to try and get out of the room as quickly as possible, "well maybe we could talk later but right now I'm busy."

Maverick left the room and Cash sighed loudly.

Later at School

Cash's POV:

"I don't get it dude, Maverick was acting's so weird this morning, I asked him if he wanted to tell me something but he said no but I have a gut feeling he's lying to me" Cash said to Joey Birlem, Cash's best friend since like kindergarten.

"Speaking of which," Joey said, "have you told Maverick yet about what you've been trying to tell him?" Cash sighed once more, "No. I want to tell him but It never seems like the right time, plus I'm afraid of how he'll take it."

"Come on dude, he's your big bro, he won't overreact, hopefully." Joey said, giving a nervous laugh afterwards.

Maverick's POV:

"God this is a nightmare." Maverick said to Mychael as he entered the study hall room, placing his head on the table. "You ok?" Mychael asked.

"No. Mychael, if I tell you something can you promise not to tell anyone, especially not Cash." Mychael looked at Maverick nervously, "your starting to freak me out dude, what's going on?"

Maverick then whispered into Mychaels ear, he didn't want anyone to know until he was ready. Mychael eyes became huge, "seriously? wait, Cash doesn't know?" Mychael asked.

"No and I don't want to tell him, he's my little brother and I wouldn't want to hurt him." Maverick said placing his head back on the desk.

"Dude trust me, the more you put it off the harder it'll be to tell him. So you need to tell him, TONIGHT."

Maverick looked at Mychael, realizing that he was being serious, "yah know what, maybe your right. I just need to tell him, I just hope he takes it well."

"Boys, this is study hall, which be stay quite and work." Their study hall teacher said. The two boys went silent but Maverick was still screaming inside.

The Boys Finally Arrive Home

Maverick unlocked the door and the two brothers entered their house. Both boys went up to theirs room, neither saying a word to one another. As son as the doors shut, both boys began pacing back and forth in their rooms, nervous.

Eventually Maverick broke first, walking into Cash's room, "hey bro, can we talk? There's something I've been meaning to tell you." Both boys sat down on Cash's bed.

"Well actually, this might be good because there's something I've been meaning to tell you too." Cash said. "Alright well mines probably bigger news so let me go first." Maverick said.

"Cash, your my little brother and you know that I'd never want to hurt you, and this has been on my mind for some time know but I think it's time I said it. I..... I accidentally dropped your toothbrush into the toilet last week and just placed it back in the holder and never told you however every time you used it I wanted to tell you but I thought you'd be mad so I just kept quite I'm sorry."

Cash looked at Maverick, confused. "That's your big news?" "Yes" Maverick answered. "Dude, I've been meaning to get a new toothbrush for a while and on Saturday mom bought me a new one, it just looked the same as the old one."

"Oh, thank god." Maverick said relieved.

"Wait, so what's your big news?" Maverick asked.

"Well" Cash, said finally ready to tell his truth,

"I'm GAY."

To be Continued.........

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