Chapter 8: Murderous Intensions

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It was Hallows Eve Night, the streets were littered with children galore, dressed in elaborate costumes as they went from door to door screaming "trick or treat" as their parents watch from the street.

However Cash and Maverick were maybe a little to old for Trick or Treating, but they still loved to dress up. Growing up they would always do corresponding outfits. This year the two were dressed as "School Nerds" as they referred to it.

A few days prior the boys had received invites to a costume party up at the Saintclair Estate, a run down manor of a hill near the outskirts of town.

Maverick's POV:

"The old Saintclair Estate" Maverick thought as he pulled up to the manor, Cash in his passenger seat, "still creeping as always."

Maverick and Cash got out of the car and Maverick immediately saw Mycheal, who came running up to the brothers. "Cool outfit Nerds" Mycheal teased.

The 3 boys entered the manor and were amazed at the sight. People were all in costume, dancing, laughing, and it appeared that there were a variety of snacks.

"Well look at this" said Nathan Triska, whose voice soared through the crowd, "Cash and Maverick dressed up as Dorks, how fitting." People began chuckling at Nathan'a joke and Cash stared at the ground trying to not to seem embarrassed.

Maverick could see Cash was getting nervous and quickly approached Nathan saying "leave us alone tonight Triska, I mean it, unless you want me to knock out your two front teeth."

Cash looked up as Nathan backed away. Maverick approached his little bro asking if he was fine and Cash just nodded. Cash said he was going to see if he could find a bathroom and Maverick went with Mycheal into the kitchen to grab something to eat.

Maverick and Mycheal ended up running into some fiends of theirs, the Stokes twins. The 4 got to talking and Alan said "I heard that Nathan Triska called you and Cash our for dressing as Nerds." Maverick got annoyed just remembering the moment,

"Yeah he did, but I told him off." Alex then interjected saying "but you have to admit that Cash can be a little bit of a nerd sometimes right?" Maverick didn't want to say anything but Cash wasn't in the room so no harm no foul.

"Honestly he can get a little annoying sometimes, it's like let me do my own thing sometimes and just leave me alone."

"Oh is that what you want?" Cash said from behind him, Maverick immediately realizing his mistake. Maverick quickly turned around trying to defuse the situation, "Cash I..." "Save it," cash interjected, "you want me to leave you alone, done, just don't say I didn't warn you."

Cash stormed out the room and for the next 30 minutes Maverick and Mycheal searched the manor looking for him, but to no eval. The met back up near the front door between the kitchen and living room where they had first walked in. "Find him?" Maverick asked, "No." Mycheal answered.

Just then a scream came from one of the upstairs bedrooms and out ran Emma Chamberlain, a Junior at the High School. "THIER DEAD!!!!"

Everyone thought that Emma was playing a t Rick but when people went up to go see they realized that it was true, Alan and Alex Stokes had been killed, with their throats slit.

At that moment the lights to the manor went out and everyone quickly turned on their cell phone lights to see. With everyone unnerved a deep voice went out over the crowd saying "NONE OF YOU ARE LEAVING THIS PLACE ALIVE."

Mass panic insued as everyone began running around, trying to get out of the house, finding that all exits had been locked. Mychael grabbed Maverick's arm saying "we need to get outta here."

However, Maverick quickly pulled away. "I'm not going to leave Cash alone in this crazy panic, I'll find him then meet you outside". The two split up, Mychael joining the crowds of people looking for an exit as Maverick went to look for Cash, however as he tried to enter the living area Maverick was body checked by someone, causing him to hit his head on one of the stairs and pass out.

When Maverick came to the crowd was gone, however all the windows were still locked, so how did they get out. Maverick walked into the living area when all of the sudden someone ran into him. Maverick quickly saw who it was and was shocked by what he also saw.

It was Nathan Triska, his face bloody and a knife sticking out of his back. Nathan lost his balance and began slipping to the ground, Maverick catching him as Nathan uttered "get out before he kills you", and with that Nathan took his final breathe. "Who" Maverick asked, "before who kills me?"

Maverick got his answer when the door to the next room opened up as a figure stood in the doorway. The figure approached Maverick who stumbled backwards, quickly getting up as the figure grabbed the knife. The lights were out and it was so dark that Maverick couldn't see who it was, that was until he turned on his flashlight,


"Hey Big bro, what's up?" Maverick just stared at cash in disbelieve, could this be real, was Cash really capable of commuting murder. "Why, why would you do this?"

Cash chuckled at first but eventually it became a maniacal laugh, "why? Because, for so long everyone has thought they could push me around like I was weak but tonight I showed them, I showed them all, Alan, Alex, Nathan, and last but not least, YOU."

Maverick looked at his brother with fear in his eyes, "cash." He started, "I warned you remember, you wanted to be alone so now you can be alone, Forever" Cash said as he rushed at Maverick, stabbing the knife into his torso.

Maverick could feel his body becoming weaker, his eyes began to close and the last he heard was Cash saying "Maverick, wake up. Wake up."


Maverick quickly jolted upward. "Hey bro," Cash said "you ok? Sounded like you were having one hell of a nightmare." Maverick looked around realizing he was in his bedroom, turned out Cash was right, it was all just a nightmare.

"You ok?" Cash asked. "Yeah." Maverick said. "Hey Cash, would you ever hurt me?" Maverick asked looking into the eyes of his brother. "What? No, never. Why?" Cash responded.

"Nothing, it was just something in my dream." Cash looked at his big bro, "you gonna be ok?" "Yah" Maverick said.

Cash left the room as Maverick just laid in his bed, looking to the ceiling and a thought came to his mind, a thought that truly scared him,

"Cash would never really hurt me...... would he?"

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