Chapter 24: Mavericks Masterpiece

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Maverick's POV:
I woke up around 9:00, and I'm not sure why, but today just felt like it was going to be a good day.

Thank god because strangely, Maverick always seemed more productive on good days, which was necessary today more then most. Today Maverick was hoping to finally finish recording his very first official single.

It had been about a week since the family blow up, and Maverick had spent every single day doing things for Cash trying to make up for what Maverick had said to him.

Maverick was still shocked that he allowed himself to get so angry that he would literally go and call his own little brother a...... that word.

Speaking of Cash, he had also been trying to apologize to Maverick, so every day he too would help Maverick by sampling beats for his song.

The two brothers relationship was really good right now. Which was slightly sad if you thought about, it took the two nearly killing each other with their words to get them to finally bond and grow, but hey I guess that's life with a sibling.

Maverick walked downstairs as he heard his moms humming from the kitchen. Their father had been called into work for an unknown reason so he wasn't home currently.

As Maverick approached the kitchen he heard the laughter of two absolute dorks. He walked in finding Cash and Nathan both sitting at the kitchen table, laughing at something on Cash's phone screen.

Last night was the first time since Cash and Nathan had started dating that his parents allowed for Nathan to spend the night.

Maverick was usually always the last one awake at nights, and thankfully he didn't hear any strange noises coming from his brothers room, so that's a positive, right?

"Morning sleepy head." His mom said, noticing him walk into the kitchen, still only wearing a shirt and pj bottoms.

Maverick sat down at the table, still half asleep still. His eyes began to shut as his head dropped low. Nathan noticed this then nudged Cash, Cash then seizing his moment to entertain Nathan, and perhaps humiliate his brother in the process.

Cash then leaned over the table and slapped Maverick's face two times. Maverick immediately jolted awake.

Nathan and Cash both laughed as Cash said "looks like your still half asleep their doofus." He said.

"Cash don't call your brother names." Their mom said as she began handing out plates of breakfast. Scrambled Eggs with sausages & hash browns filled up the entire space.

When you grow up with 3 children, and when two of those children are now teenage boys, you learn you need to make a lot to satisfy their hunger, so Mrs. Baker would always make sure to make a lot of food for breakfast each morning.

As she walked by Maverick she shook him a little, jolting him awake yet again. "Honey what's wrong, did you not sleep well last night?" She asked her son.

Maverick yawned, "yeah I guess so maybe." The boys's mother then walked back to the stove to cook herself some eggs,

"Well eat up then. Maybe a good breakfast will wake you up." She said with a smile.
The 3 boys ate their breakfast, and afterwards Cash was put on duty of cleaning up after breakfast. The boys mom then told them that she was heading out to go grocery shopping and would be back in a few hours, leaving Maverick in charge.

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