Chapter 28: Destiny at the Door Part 3: Annonuncement Aftermath

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Maverick and his Parents had spent the last two hours discussing the news they'd just received.

Maverick had literally been offered a full scholarship to the California Institute of Music. This was so amazing, if he went he could work on his music on an even great scale, this could potentially lead to him launching a career.

On the other hand, there were still so many drawbacks. Mr. Allwright said he should start in their summer quarter, which was only 4 months away.

That meant that if Maverick decided to do this, in 4 months he'd be packing up his life and moving to California, away from his friends, his parents, and Cash.

He had some serious thinking to do, he looked at the card Mr. Allwright had given him, this could be life changing, but was he ready to make this kind of change in his life?

Meanwhile for the whole two hours Cash and Nathan just sat in the kitchen eating and playing on there phones.

Eventually Maverick stood up from the couch and said, "I think I need some time to think about this on my own, I'll be up in my room."

With that Maverick heard upstairs, soon followed by Cash and Nathan. The 3 boys entered Maverick's room, Cash slightly snickering

"Oh please, as if that guy seriously thinks you'll be ready to leave everything and move to Californian in just 4 months right?" Cash stared at his brother, who just looked right back at him,

"Right. Your not seriously thinking about leaving so quickly, are you?"

Maverick shuddered, he honestly didn't know what to say, "I don't know dude, maybe I am."

Cash was in shock, "WHAT! You seriously think you could just up and leave me like this dude, what the hell."

"Cash, I'm 20. Most kids my age are already in college, and I'm still here at home making music in my room. If I go I can learn and make music in real recording studios. Besides it's not like you'll be alone, you'll still have Nathan even if I left."

Cash wanted to cry, but forced himself to calm down before he did. He didn't want to turn this situation into an emotional thing,

"It's just that, I thought we'd have already this one last summer before you thought about going anywhere, that's all."

Maverick chuckled, going in to give his brother a hug. "Dude, even if I do go to this place, I promise every break I'd be back, and afterward you know I'm moving back in. But hey, I'm still gonna take a few days to decide though, since this is still a big deal."

Cash smiled. He then leaned forward, "well I'm waiting." Maverick glanced at him,

"For what?" Cash looked at his brother. "For you to say thank-you, if it wasn't for me uploading your song none of this would've happened."

Maverick then chuckled. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot, you did upload MY song behind MY back. Thanks for reminding me."

With that Maverick grabbed Cash by the shirt, pulling him close. Cash was taken aback, he thought Maverick was going to thank him, not hurt him.

"What are you doing?" Cash said nervous. Maverick then looked at his little brother, "Thank-You for uploading my song, your right I couldn't have done that on my own. BUT, you still did it behind my back, and I did say I would get you dorks later for that, well I guess that time is now."

Nathan then realized Maverick meant him too, "wait, why are you going to punish me?" He asked a little scared, he remembered how terrifying Maverick looked a few hours ago.

"Because, you were his accomplice. You didn't help him do it, but you also didn't stop him at the same time, so both of you are getting what you deserve."

With that Maverick let go of his brothers shirt, him ready to make his brother and his boyfriend pay.

"Alright dorks, both of you on the floor on your stomachs, NOW!" That terror that the boys felt a few hours ago had returned, they didn't know what Maverick was about to do to them, but they didn't want to make it worse, so they just did as they were told.

The two boyfriends got on the ground, placing their stomachs on the floor. The boys faces were looking at each other as Maverick walked over holding two belts.

Maverick then tied the boys hand behind their backs with belts, making it so they couldn't stop what he was about to do next.

"All right boys, feet up." The two boyfriends eyes then went wide as they had now realized what Maverick was about to do to them. However, what could they do to stop it, their hands were tied, literally.

So against there better judgment the two boys lifted up their legs. Maverick wanted to start with his brother, so he knelt down grabbing ahold of Cash's underwear and pulling it around his legs, then going over and doing the same to Nathan.

Both boys squirmed as Maverick had just put both boys in nasty jock-lock wedgies.

Nathan had never revived this kind of wedgie before, So it hurt a lot. However Cash had before, but only once or twice. Maverick only gave Cash this type of wedgie when he was extremely upset. It was because of this that Cash also knew what was coming next.

"Ah, look at this sweet sight, the boyfriends are getting jock-lock wedgies together, isn't that nice."

Maverick wanted to take pictures of this moment so badly, however he only wanted to punish the boys, not humiliate or blackmail them, so thankfully he didn't.

"Now" he continued, "your both going to get spanked 20 times for going behind my back and uploading my song, and if there's any complaining I'm adding more, am I clear?"

Both boys knew that Maverick wasn't about to go easy with the spanks, but once again they couldn't do anything about it. So, both boys just shook there heads in agreement.

Maverick then Spanked both boys 20 times, hard on there bare asses, which were hanging out since their underwear was around their feet.

The boys began to wince after about the first 10, and by the end, the boys looked like two baboons, their asses red as skittles.

"Alright, you now have a choice. you can promise to NEVER go behind my back again and do something, even if you have good intentions, OR I can leave you two losers in these jock-locks all night."

Both boys looked up at the oldest, "we promise" the two said in unison. "Good" Maverick said.

He then let the two boys out from their jock-locks, the boys sighing in relief that it was over. He then removed the belts, letting the boys finally get up,

"Alright now both of you, out of my room." Maverick said pointing towards his door. Cash and Nathan then hurried out, not wanting to face Maverick's wrath anymore today.

Maverick then sat on his bed and layer back. He had a lot to think about, what was he going to do?

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