Chapter 14: Lani

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Maverick was driving him and Cash home from school, Maverick always making the same "new car smell" every time he got in the damn thing. Cash was busy eating his bag of chips and checking Instagram to care about Maverick's dumb puns.

"Cash this car is still somewhat new so don't ruin it." Maverick warned as he saw his brother chewing vigorously with his mouth open. "Dude chill, your new car will be fine" a Cash responded, the words barely understandable since he had a mouth of chips.

"I mean it Cash, if I find any crumbs on that seat later I'll give you a wedgie so intense you'll be able
To taste your underwear."

"Bro would you relax, besides you should be excited that we just finished our last day of school before break." Cash said. Maverick could argue with that, he was happy that he didn't have to wake up at 6 am every morning and could actually sleep in for once.

The boys pulled into the driveway, "that's odd, Dads car isn't where it's usually parked, it's usually in front of the garage door, that's odd?" Maverick stated as the boys got outta the car.

The boys entered their house to find their parents waiting for them in the front living room, "welcome home boys, your just in time. We have a surprise for you" their mom said cheerfully.

"Of god please don't be pregnant again" Maverick said, everyone taken back by his immediate response. "No, it's not that" their father reassured them. "Then what is it?" Cash asked.

"Hey losers, Lani's home!" The boys looked towards the stairs and standing their was someone who the had not seen in quite some time, it was....

"LANI!" They both screamed with excitement.

Lani was 21 years old. She lived out in LA with her husband Garret Randol. There she worked as a professional model (and even had a brief stint as a case girl on Deal or No Deal). The boys hadn't seen Lani since her wedding a few months prior, they were so excited to see their big sis again.

 The boys hadn't seen Lani since her wedding a few months prior, they were so excited to see their big sis again

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Lani rushes down the stairs, embracing her two little brothers as the 3's parents watched in glee. "Well I guess you already made your entrance huh babe." Everyone turned to see Garret walking down the stairs.

"Hey Garret, Hi" the boys said. Don't get it wrong the boys liked Garret, they just felt that the twos relationship went rather quickly, they meet
In early 2019 and were married by the end of that year. The boys didn't have the best relationship with him and he knew it too, however they loved their sister and for her well being, they put up with him.

The 3 Baker siblings spent the next two hours catching up, however Cash and Maverick purposely left out the part about Cash's cutting, and the fact that he was Gay, he wanted to tell but he didn't think the moment was right.

Eventually dinner time came and the family sat down to eat. Garret and Rick (the boys and Lani's father) began discussing sports, neither Cash nor Maverick had ever played sports so they were lost during the whole conversation.

Cash excused himself for a second and went to go use the bathroom, and on his way back Garret was waiting for him in the hall. Garret slammed Cash into the wall as quietly as possible. As I stated, the boys and Garret didn't have the best relationship but for some reason Garret had always been such a bully to Cash ever since they met, seems like he could never catch a break.

"What the hell Garret get off of me." Cash whispered forcefully. "Look dork, Lani and I are staying here over your winter break and I want to make sure she stays happy so no bullshitting around, got it geek?" Garret put his face extremely close to Cash's, Cash beginning to few scared and uncomfortable.

" it" Cash stuttered. Garret scoffed, realizing Cash from the wall and walking away. Cash got back to the kitchen and sat down, however both of his siblings immediately knew something was up.

"Cash, you ok bud?" Lani asked. Cash looked around the table as everyone, while everyone stared at him, everyone having a looked of worry, except for Garret who had a look of intensity.

"Yeah, everything's fine" Cash lied.

Dinner ended and the Baker parents did the dishes, Cash and Maverick went up to their rooms as Lani and Garret went upstairs to unpack.

Lani's POV:

As the oldest of 3 you quickly learn the tells of your younger siblings, and Cash's tells were obvious, atleast to me that is. He was lying at dinner and I could tell.

Something had happened, did it have to do with Garret, I mean Garret did go use the bathroom the same time as Cash and returned just before him. Did Garret possibly say something to him?

There's only one way to find out.

I stood outside Cash's room, I took a deep breathe then opened the door. "Hey Cash, can we talk?"

"Hey sis" Cash said. The two sat on Cash's bed, "what about?" Lani took another deep breathe, "about why you lied at dinner." Cash's face became concerned, did he want to tell his sister what Garret had said, or would that only make the situation worse. Cash knew he had to go with his gut.

"Garret may have said something to me in the hallway before I came back to the table." Lani was shocked, "really, what exactly did he say?" Lani couldn't believe it, what could Garret have said that would make Cash lie.

"He said that you two were staying over break and that he wants to make sure you stay happy so he said he doesn't want me to Bullshit around while your here." Lani was furious, how dare Garret try to control his little brother, what position of power does he think he has?

"Oh well, even though you probably don't want me too, as your big sister and as his wife I'm about to go have a little chat with him." Lani stood up from Cash's bed, heading for the door when,

"Lani wait" Cash said. Lani looked back to see her little brother, she could see there was something else on his mind, and that it was making him emotional, and scared. She sat back down and saw that he had tears welling up in his eyes.

"Cash, what is it?" Cash looked at his big sister. He was scared but he knew he had to do it.

"Since your in here, there's some things I need to tell you."

To Be Continued.......

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