Chapter 7: Cash's Drive of Disaster.

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Cash's POV:

"Today's the day" Cash thought as he woke up this morning. Yesterday Cash received his first ever, very own DRIVERS LICENSE, which meant that today was the first day he could legally drive a vehicle on his own and he didn't want to wait long before his first drive.

Cash quickly got dressed, just putting on some Grey adidas sweatpants and a black and white colored hoodie. Cash then ran downstairs almost running into his dad as he was coming out of the kitschy holding his morning cup of coffee.

"Woah there sport," his dad said "What's all the rush about?" Cash stared at his father in disbelieve, "Dad, today's the first day I can legally drive so I want to head out early before any crazy traffic.

Cash had point, it was currently a Saturday and it was only 8:40 am, meaning there wouldn't be much traffic in the boy's hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Cash ran into the kitchen and opened the family storage drawer, looking for one specific pairs of keys, but strangely they didn't seem to be in there. However at that moment Cash heard his mother's voice say,

"Looking for these?" Cash turned around to see his mother holding up the pair of keys he was looking for. The family had 3 vehicles but only one of them was automatic, the other 2 had gear shifts. Cash had been taught in the automatic so it's the only vehicle he could drive, however the down side is that 90% of the time the automatic was driven by Maverick so Maverick would always refer to it as "his car."

Speaking of which Maverick entered the kitchen, seeing Cash holding the car keys in his hand, warning him saying "don't be driving crazy bro."

The boys mom laughed at Maverick's joke as she walked out of the kitchen, and when Maverick knew she was gone he quickly grabbed Cash by his hoodie, pulling him close whispering "I mean it Cash. If you come home and there's even a single scratch on my car I'll hang by your underwear on your own door and leave you there all night."

Maverick let go of Cash's hoodie and walked out of the room, Cash getting a feeling of nervousness, but he didn't want to think about that now. Cash quickly ran out of the house saying goodbye to everyone. He then hopped into Maverick's car and drove off.

3 hours later:

Maverick was up in his room checking out his Instagram when he heard a vehicle pull into the driveway and he knew that Cash had just gotten home.

Cash came inside with his head held low, a nervous terrified expression on his face. Cash walked into the den where his parents were watching TV and his mom could immediately tell something was wrong. "Cash, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Cash looked as if he was about to cry, his parents turning to each other. "Well I....." cash began, but was cut off when from outside the 3 heard,

"CASH! What the Hell did you do to my Car?" Maverick screamed. Cash's parents followed there son outside and what they saw made them gasp in disbelieve. The entire front bumper looked like it had been smashed inward.

Maverick quickly stormed up to Cash, grabbing his little brother by his hoodie wanting to swing on him right then and there but the boys parents broke them up before things got out of hand.

The 4 headed back inside and sat down in the den. Maverick placed on one side of the couch and Cash on the other. "Alright Cash" his father said in a strict but calm tone "tell us what happened."


Cash knew that even though it was early, the center of town would be a hive of activity, however usually the outskirts roads never really had a lot of traffic normally so Cash decided to do a few laps down and back

"It's the end of the world as we now it" Cash sang along with the radio. Cash was having fun however he knew that police officers patrolled this area frequently so he tried keeping his speed to a maximum of 40.

Cash turned up the music and sort of got lost in the song as he made his turn to head back down the road, "Its the end of the world as we know..... oh shit". When Cash looked back he realized he had driven into the on-coming lane and a car was heading right at him.

Cash quickly turned the steering wheel, causing the car to move out of the others vehicles way in time however it ended up rolling of the side of the road and hitting a giant wooden wire tower.

The airbags went off and Cash got of the car to see what had happened, and when he saw what the front of the car looked like he nearly burst into tears right then and there, "oh crap, Maverick's gonna kill me." He said.

- end of Flashback.

"I immediately came right home" Cash ended looking up his parents, expecting them to begin yelling at him instantly, and when they didn't he got confused. "Are you mad?" he asked.

The boys father sighed as he sat next to his youngest son, "Am I mad that you didn't stay focused on the road, Yes. But am I thankful that you made a quick decision that saved not only your life but probably the life of another, yes. Besides Cash I think it would be hypocritical to yell at you knowing full well that when I was your age I definitely got into a few accidents my first few times driving. And thankfully I don't think you did too much damage to the car and I think it can easily be fixed."

"However," Cash's mom interjected "that doesn't mean your off the hook completely. You still made a bad choice as to not pay attention, so I think that maybe the next few times you go driving one of us is going to go with you, does that sound fair?" Cash got up and hugged his mom,thankful that she wasn't to angry at him, "Yeah. That sounds fair."

Maverick scoffed and everyone turned towards him. Cash knew that Maverick would be the most mad. "Maverick. Bro I'm really sorry I crashed your car, but I promise you that it was an accident. Please I know you want to be mad at me and honestly I deserve it, but could you please forgive me, even a little bit?"

Maverick looked in his brothers teary eyes, and he remembered all the things that Cash had been going through lately and Maverick knew that this was a true brotherly moment, so even though he didn't want to Maverick knew that he had to forgive Cash because to be fair Maverick also had a few accidents when he first started driving.

"Yah, I forgive you ya big Dork." The two brothers embraced, but Maverick still being a little upset put Cash in a headlock before giving him a noogie,

"Maverick!" Cash wined. Maverick let Cash go and cash gave his brother a glare. "What, I just couldn't help it." The two boys laughed together as Cash's first disaster of a driving experience was put behind them....somewhat.

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