Chapter 16: Christmas "Catastrophe"

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''Twas the Night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a..... you know what, NO! That's not how we're gonna tell this.

Let's look at Reality...

The past few days had flown by fast and now it was Christmas Day. Even though Cash and Maverick were both teenagers they still loved getting into the Christmas secret.

The family awoke around 9:30 and did their annual Christmas Day morning. Check to see what stocking stuffers they got, then the family would sit and enjoy a nice breakfast before opening gifts. Then later the Baker family had always been the giving kind, so every year the family would go and volunteer at a homeless shelter.

Cash, Maverick, and Lani racer downstairs as if they were kids again as their parents strolled behind them, the 5 being followed by Garret who looked completely out of it, probably because he usually liked to sleep in until 10:30 most days back home.

The 3 bakers grabbed their stocking. "So mom, what did you put in our stockings this year?" Cash asked.

"Hopefully a lump of coal" Garret mumbled, Lani jabbing him in the gut with her elbow as she gave him a stern look. After Cash and her had there conversation a few days ago Lani had had a serious conversation with her husband and had been spending the last few days making sure he remained polite.

The 3 checked out there stockings, finding all sorts of surprises, then the family went and had there Christmas Day breakfast.

After that was cleaned up the family went into the family den where the Christmas tree was and each took turns opening gifts. Maverick got a lot of new music equipment, Cash got some art and drawing supplies (because he had really been into art lately) and Lani was given several gifts to put in her and Garrets new house.

It was only 11:45 when the family finished opening presents, however there day had only begun. The family then got dressed up in their winter gear and headed off to their local homeless shelter.

When the Bakers arrived they were shocked at what they saw. As soon as they entered the homeless shelter something felt different.

"Tara, Mike" a woman called out coming up to the family. The woman was Sarah Alder, a worker at the shelter who was a good friend of the Baker parents.

"Sarah what's going on, where is everyone, and where's all the gifts we buy for the kids to hand out?" Tara asked.

"That's the thing. This whole day has already been a disaster, first barely anyone showed up, and turns out the money that we built up in our funds to buy gifts was stolen from a shady bank associate. Also there's no one in the kitchen to help make soup for these poor people, honestly it just feels like people have lost there Christmas spirit about helping those less fortunate."

Everyone was sadden by this awful news. Maverick had never been one to come up with bright ideas but by some kind of Christmas miracle he got one.

"Wait I got it. Mom why don't you and Lani help Ms. Alder make the soup, dad you and Garret go Talley up as many parents as you can and go get some last minute toys from somewhere, meanwhile Cash and I can stay and keep the kids entertained."

Maverick's mother was so happy with her sons idea, and Ms Alder nearly began crying with joy. Everyone agree to help out. Lani and Mrs. Baker followed Ms. Alder to the kitchen as Garret followed mr. Baker.

Cash's POV:

Wow this has got to be one of Mavericks smartest ideas, well ever. I mean it's just so sad to think that all these people lost there homes and have to stay here, tired, hungry, and cold probably.

Cash began walking around, interacting with some of the kids, trying to make them smile and laugh. He then took a minute to check his phone when he heard a familiar voice.

"Well well, hey Cashie." Cash looked to see who called him and was surprised, seeing the one person he never expected,

"Nathan! What are you doing here, if it's to pick on me or some shit I'm not in the mood today."

"Wow bro come down" Nathan said chill, "look I know I can be a dick to you sometimes but not even I'm that a big of a Scrooge to pick on someone, especially not on Christmas. So consider this tour lucky day. But just remember to have 75% of our project done before school starts again."

"Yeah yeah I got it, but remember you have to put some work on it too." Nathan laughed, "yeah whatever dork. Anyway I'm here because your dad posted the situation that was going on here online and a ton of people came to support, check it out."

Cash followed Nathan outside and was amazed, it seemed like half the town had shown up to help out. People began helping in the kitchen as others donated their gifts to give to the children, and strangely Cash spent most of the day with Nathan Triska of all people, and Nathan was actually being nice to him, maybe this was a Christmas miracle

Eventually around 5:00 people began to leave and
Ms. Alder approached the family before they left. "Thank you all so much again for helping out today, if it wasn't for you I don't think any of what happened would've been possible."

Mr. and Mrs. Baker thanked her as well, the. The family got in their car and drove home.

Back home.

The Bakers has had a long day so everyone need some time to relax. Cash and Maverick headed upstairs when Maverick said "you now I saw you hanging out with Nathan Triska a lot today, I've never seen that before, ever so what's up with that?"

"I honestly don't know, I think he just honestly wanted to be nice since it was Christmas."

"Well I'll say one thing. Today may have started out as a catastrophe for the shelter, it ended up being quick a good day huh?" Maverick asked entering his room.

Cash went into his room, closing his door behind him as he leaned against it, "yeah I guess it was" he said to himself as he smiled.


You never know what people have to go through in their lives, but that shouldn't matter. Helping someone in need is one of the most fulfilling feelings in m opinion. So if you know that your town has a local homeless shelter or something of a similar nature, take some time to help out as much as you can.

A friend once told me something that has always stuck with me, and that was "giving something warm to someone who is so cold is the most fulfilling feeling in the world."

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