Chapter 9: Home Alone Horseplay

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It was a Saturday evening at the Baker Household and Mr. & Mrs. Baker has gone out for a date night. That meant that Cash and Maverick were left at home, alone.

Maverick's POV:

"I'm so bored!" Maverick said to himself as he payed on his bed checking his Instagram. Maverick had no girlfriend, no new songs to work on, there's was practically nothing for him to do. Well almost nothing.

Maverick quietly creeped downstairs, peering into the kitchen, seeing Cash making himself a sandwich. Maverick slowly approached from behind, not wanting Cash to realize he was there.

Then as quickly as possible Maverick grabbed onto Cash's underwear, pulling them as high as he could. Cash face immediately became one of both pain and anger. "Maverick!" Cash screamed, "What the hell dude. What was that for?"

"I don't know, I was just bored I guess, however it's serves you right for wearing Calvin Klein briefs." Maverick headed into the family's den and sat down watching whatever was on as Cash stood in the kitchen re-adjusting his underwear.

Cash's POV:

"Stupid Maverick, always giving me wedgies for no reason" Cash mumbled to himself. Cash had been taking Maverick's wedgies since he was 5 and Maverick was 8, but Cash had finally had enough.

Cash walked into the den, placing his sandwich on the table as Maverick stood to face his little brother. "Hey. Sorry about the wedgie bro, I just couldn't handle myself. But we're cool right?"

"Yeah, were cool." Cash said sarcastically. Maverick went to go sit back down when Cash got an idea of how to get his revenge. "Hey Mav, what's that on the back of your shirt?"

"What?" Maverick said, "where, I don't see anything. Could you get it?" A wide smile came across Cash's face, "yeah, let me help you with that." However instead of helping Maverick Cash instead quickly grabbed ahold of his big bro's underwear and tank them half way up his back as Maverick screamed in pain.

Cash let go and began to stagger backwards laughing. Maverick turned to his little brother with hatred in his eyes and Cash knew he was in for it.

"Your dead, you're so dead!" Maverick screamed as he he shoved Cash. Cash then lost his balance knocking over one of the podiums in the room. The podium fell and the white flower painted vase shattered into pieces.

Cash looked at the broken vase as Maverick gasped in shock, "Cash! You broke Moms favorite vase. Grandpa got that for her and dad for the wedding. It costs $5,000. Oh crap, what are we gonna do?"

"WE? Your the one who pushed me into the podium in the first place so technically this is your fault not mine."

At that moment the two boys heard their parents car pull into the drive way and both began to freak out inside. Maverick quickly placed the podium back upright as Cash hid the vase shards theirs moms old sewing box that she never opened any more.

As the boys parents walked in the two boys sat down in the couch as if they'd been sitting there the whole time. The parents then came into the room cheerfully. "Hey boys," there mom said "how was your evening. You two didn't get into any trouble now?" "No, of course not." Maverick lied.

The boys mom was about to leave the room with her husband however just before she stopped, "wait! Somethings not right here. Somethings missing."

The two boys quickly looked at each other nervously. "What are you talking about, everything seems fine to me." Cash said.

As the boys mother looked around the room, which she knew down to the exact detail it wasn't hard for her to spot the missing vase. She then stood in front of her two sons glaring down with her motherly gaze.

"Boys, would one of you like to tell where the flower vase that your grandpa gave me for our wedding went." The boys father had entered the room, standing next to his wife staring down at his two sons.

Maverick knew that as the older brother he should take the responsibility, considering he did push Cash into the podium in the first place.

"It was my fault." Maverick looked over at Cash surprised. The boys parents looked at their youngest child waiting for an explanation. "I was walking into the room and I tripped, knocking over the vase, then I hid the pieces in your sewing kit, I'm so sorry mom."

The boys mother sighed but a slight smile was on her face which the boys didn't expect. "Well I'm glad you told me the truth Cash, that's a very mature thing to do is own up to your mistakes. However if I'm being completing honest, that isn't the vase your grandfather bought us for our wedding. I accidentally brought that thing years ago, we got that fake one from the goodwill for like $20 so it doesn't really matter that much, but I'm still glad you told me the truth."

With that the boys parents walked out of the room and Maverick looked at his little brother. "Why'd you fess up? Why didn't you tell them that I pushed you?" Cash looked at his big bro, "because, you've been keeping so many of my secrets lately I thought I'd keep one of yours."

Maverick smiled as the two brothers snuggled up, Maverick placing his arm around his little bro. Of course it seemed like Maverick couldn't go one minute without picking on Cash as he stuck his finger in his mouth before twisting it inside Cash's eardrum.


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