Chapter 13: Working with the Enemy

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Cash's POV:

"Thank god there's only a week of school left before winter break" cash thought to himself as he walked into his history class.

Cash had a point, there was only 5 days before winter break began and 13 days before Christmas, and Cash was excited to finally get out of school. However Cash also knew that the last week before break was also when teaching began discussing final projects that would be due a little while after they get back from break, and Cash was not looking forward to this history final.

History was also Cash's least favorite class for another reason, that reason being,

"Hey Cashie! How's my favorite dork doing today?"

Nathan Triska. This was the first class Cash had with Nathan in almost 2 years, and since day one, it seemed liked Nathan mission was to torment Cash every chance he could.

"Leave me alone Nathan, we have one week before break then we don't have to see each other for 3 weeks so let's just get through this as humane as possible, if you actually have the ability to withhold your comments."

Nathan glared at Cash, raising his fist about to strike him, luckily at that moment the boys teacher walked in.

"Alright everyone take your seats." Mrs. Flanagan said. "Today you'll begin working on your final projects, as well as being assigned your partner that you'll work with. Remember each duo must create a PowerPoint/slideshow covering all the chapters we've learned throughout the class, including vocal, important figures of the time, as well as incorporating pictures and videos."

Cash hoped he would get one of the smart kids, that way he could just sit aside and aid them without having to do as much of the work.

"Alright then, so in class today I'll assign you work partner then sitting together you'll create your outlines for what your project will look like, then it would probably be smart to get together hopefully today to get a head start on getting the actual slideshow part. Alright then, ok, let's get you with your assigned partners."

Cash sat back as Mrs. Flanagan began pairing students, and eventually she got to his name,

"Alright the next pair I have is Cash and......Nathan."

Cash's eyes went wide when she heard him say Nathan's name. Out of all the 24 students in her class she had to pair him with Nathan of all people.

Nathan turned around to face Cash, him clearly not being amused with the fact that know they would have to work together over Christmas break to get this project done.

Mrs. Flanagan told everyone to sit with their assigned partner and Nathan staggered to the back row and sat next to Cash, giving him a slight glare as he sat down,

"Well, this should be, fun." He said sarcastically. Cash rolled his eyes saying "you know what, I would say something rude back to you but I'm gonna be the bigger person and just say that I'm ok with this. We'll finish this project then hopefully we never have to see each other for the rest of high school."

"Agreed." Nathan sat leaning back in his chair. Nathan then pulled out his phone saying "give me your number so you can text me where you live." Cash looked at Nathan cautiously, "and why would I tell you where I live?"

"Duh, so I can come over after school to work on the stupid project you geek. Jeez, just because I think your an absolute nerd doesn't mean I'm not gonna try and get this project done."

Cash, against his better judgment, put his number into Nathan's phone then texted him his address, Nathan saying that he would come over after school to get started with him. Cash felt, well Cash felt indifferent about this situation to be quite honest.

After School.

Cash drove home and got his room in somewhat of a clean manner, he didn't want to give Nathan anything to make fun of him for. Then around 4:30, Nathan's car pulled up and Cash saw him walk up the driveway and knock on the door, Cash sighed as
He walked out the door heading downstairs.

Maverick's POV:

I'm not expecting anyone so who's at the door, mom and dad didn't say anyone was coming over so what's going on. I opened the door to see Nathan Triska standing on the doorstep, what the hell id that punk doing at our house, how did he even know where we lived.

"Hey Mav" he said, "is Cash here?" I looked at him shocked that he wanted to know if Cash was here, as if I'd let the guy who had tormented my little brother for probably longer then I have into my home.

"What the hell do you want Nathan, and how'd you even know this is where we lived?"

"If fine bro" I heard cash say, seeing him waiting on the stairs. "We we're paired to work on our history final together so he's here to help me get started."

I clutched the door handle angrily, and despite wanting to rather slam the door in his face, I stepped aside and watched as Nathan followed cash up to his room, I swear if he dares to hurt Cash in our own home, well let's just say I might be convicted of murder.

Cash's POV:

Nathan followed me into my room, immediately sitting on my bed as I sat in my chair,

"What the hell was that about downstairs?" He asked me, "why was Maverick freaking out on me!"

"Well it's probably cause he thought it was weird that the guy who literally has been bullying me since kindergarten is now on my front doorstep."

"Woah, I've really been bullying you since kindergarten, man I didn't even know it was that long." He said. He had only been here 5 minutes and I already was so annoyed.

"Look, can we just started so you can leave quicker?" I said. "Sure, whatever." He responded.

The two of us spent the next hour getting started in the PowerPoint, and then around 5:45 he said he had to leave, thank god.

I watched as he walked out of my room and outside, I then watched as he got into his car and drove off. Wait why am I smiling, is it because I'm glad he left, yah that's probably it.

Anyway I know that this is only the first day of working with him but I'm hoping thugs goes smoothly, however at the same time I'm kinda glad he'll be visiting often, wait what am I saying,

What am I saying???

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