Chapter 19: Cash's Crush comes to Light

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Winter break was fun while it lasted but sadly The Snow days don't last forever. It's Now January 11th, Lani and Garret had returned home to Los Angelas while Cash and Maverick were forced to return to school.

It was currently a Saturday morning and Cash woke up hearing the big zing of his cell phone. He slowly sat up and grabbed his phone from its charger.

"Hello" he said still half asleep. Cash listened to what the person on the phone was saying, then responding,

"yah, I'm still coming. I'll be there around noon." Since school had started back up and the quarter was almost over Cash had several finals to begin and continue working on, and today he was meeting one of his final partners at the town library to work.

Cash looked at his clock at saw that it was already 10:45, so he would have to hurry and get ready if he was going to meet up with his partner. Cash took a while deciding what to wear, he wanted to make sure he looked really good, which was odd since he was only going to meet up with someone from school.

Cash then went and brushed his teeth and combed his hair and by the time he was finally ready it was 11:30. Cash was starting to panic. He quickly ran to his desk and started shoving binders into his backpack, then racing downstairs to grab his keys.

By the time Cash arrived to the Library it was 12:15. He started walking towards the library doors when he noticed his partner standing out front. His arms were crossed and he clearly looked annoyed.

Cash felt a pit start to develop in his stomach, granted this always happened when he was around this person but in this very moment it was worse then it had ever been.

"You do know your like 15 minutes late you idiot" Cash's partner said. Cash sighed sheepishly, "I know I'm sorry I overslept, like you do most days we have school it seems." He said back.

"Whatever, let's just get inside and get to work."
Cash followed his partner inside and they found a table to sit at.

"I'm gonna go look around to see if this place has any books we could use for are research."

"The proper word for that sentence is OUR not ARE" Cash corrected him. His partner just looked at him with disgust,

"Your a Geek you know that." He said as he walked away. Cash took off his backpack and reached inside, beginning to take out what seemed like a million binders.

He then pulled out a binder that was relatively skinnier then the others. He opened it up and immediately had a mini heart attack, for staring back at him was the picture of his crush.

Cash then realized that in his rush he must of put his secret binder in his bag. He quickly shut the binder and tried putting it in his bag, but at that moment his partner returned.

"Yo, I'm back. Jeez you have a lot of binders, what's that one?" He asked. Cash was panicking but didn't want to show it.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just a binder I accidentally put in here. Don't worry about it, lets just get to work."

The two boys worked for what seemed like an hour before Cash finally got up and said, "I'm gonna go use the bathroom, be right back."

Cash and Maverick: A Tale of Two BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now